Thursday, September 23, 2010

Censorship as raised its ugly Head

I hate to say this because I do not like using censorship, but its my blog so I guess I get to make the rules.
I have now received a couple of comments that refer to people in a personnel way, I will not allow this on my site. If you want to make comments for or against something I post I have no problem with that. Or about issues related to the Crowsnest Pass.
The minute you start attacking somebodies health, age or mistakes they made 15 years ago, I have no interest.
Stop being a twit and Go comment somewhere else.

I have said this before and I will not say this is again I will just delete the comment.


Sasha JaegerBaird said...

Well said, Dean.

Brian said...

That is the honorable thing to do. Even if you do not like the person it is still not acceptable to slander them on a public forum. In the end the only one who looks bad is the commentor. You do not need to explain your position - it is your private blog after all. Good call.