Thursday, February 10, 2011

G+P meeting Feb 8, 2011

G + P Meeting February 8, 2011

Councilor Londsbury was absent

Adoption of Agenda:
Councilor Gallant added a #2 under Topics of Discussion, Affordable Housing committee
Motion to accept agenda was passed Unanimously.

1. Crowsnest Pass Conservation Society:
President Judy Cooke gave a basic review of what the society does, and informed council that there will be a public Forum at the Lions Hall on Feb 24th.

2. Bear Smart Committee
Elizabeth Anderson gave an update on their program, drew council’s attention to Bylaw 670 Garbage Bylaw, and specifically article 7.4 which states “Occupants of residential dwelling units shall ensure refuse is stored in an approved storage location at all times other than when the waste is being transferred to an Animal Proof Waste Cointainer”
She stated that she hopes the municipality provides an education process on this issue, but feels that at some point down the road the municipality may have to use its enforcement powers.

Topics for Discussion:
1. Amended Bylaw 817,2011- the Electrical Distribution Bylaw, which the municipality as very little say in, because the distribution rates are set by the suppliers which then flow through to the consumer. The present version of this Bylaw is available on the Municipal Website under Electricity. Motion was made to recommend this to council which passed unanimously.

2. Update on Affordable Housing Committee, Councilor Gallant asked administration when this information would be coming back to council, he was informed that a presentation is anticipated for March 8, 2011

At this point a Motion was made to go in camera for a land issue which passed unanimously


Anonymous said...


Have you read the editorial in this weeks Herald?
Never thought I would see the day that they would admit minor hockey numbers are on the decline.
In addition looks like the 800 people will not be coming to town for the pee wee provincials this spring.
The town will be losing that big donation towards the netting.


Anonymous said...

Did you really think they were going to get that tournament? and bring in hundreds of people.
Do you remember Dean when they told council that there was going to be 200 families a year moving to the Pass.

I think you have said it yourself, if you say things enough times people actually start to believe them.