Monday, May 30, 2011

Public Transportation in the Crowsnest Pass

Last week council was given a presentation regarding public transportation.

Cam Mertz presented an analysis that showed, a public transportation system running Monday through Friday with 24 stops between West Coleman and the MDM operating 14 hours per day.
Based on the revenue numbers provided there would be $25,200 a year coming in divided by 250 days per year that's $100 per day at $2 per trip 50 passengers a day or 4 per hour or $8 per hour.

On the cost side of the equation the numbers showed that the service would cost $201,600 to set up and $311,950 to operate, divided by 250 days per year that's $1248 per day or $89 per hour.
Plus every year an additional $30,000 would have to be put aside to cover the replacement of the bus every three years, in reality the cost would increase to $1368 per day or $98 per hour.

Cost minus revenue leaves this service being subsidized by the taxpayer to the tune of $90 per hour.

The key questions have to be asked here, first of all is there a need and can we afford it.

Looking at the present town rounder its clientele  averages somewhere between 8 and 12 daily.
So is the 50 passengers a day realistic? lets look at our neighbours, the Regional District of East Kootenay offers a daily service that runs between Sparwood/Elkford/Fernie and the South Country (Once a week).
Their budget for 2011 based on having twice the population in the Elk Valley that we do plus having a service that runs between communties not just within their boundaries is 6000 passengers. So yes I feel the 12600 rides here is a little optimistic.
Even if the numbers turn out to be real we are looking at having every home in the Crowsnest Pass pay an additional $100 to fund a service that will be used by 4 people per hour.
How many tmes a day do you think you will see that bus travelling back and forth empty.
Unless of course there is $317,000 per year in inefficiencies  in the present budget that can be saved.

If there is that kind of fat in our municipal budget first of all I would like to know where, and second I would want to know why we would not just get a $100 tax reduction.

There was some suggestions about reducing those costs, charge $3 per trip selling advertising on the bus (lets assume $20,000 per year), then the cost would come down to only $81 per hour. Even with all that considered if you reduced the service to three days a week it would still cost the taxpayers $200,000 per year.

The municipality will be sending out a survey with an upcoming utility bill to ask for the public's input. I hope with in that survey it explains the costs of this venture, and the assumptions of how many people will use the service. Too often people will support an idea because it sounds good up front, its one of those things government should be doing. Then they are out raged later when they find out the cost.

I don't mind paying taxes for things we need, schools, hospitals, roads, recreation facilities etc etc. But for a transportation system that will be funded to the tune of $90 per hour for an average of four riders?

But then again maybe just maybe this is one of those old political games, maybe there is no intent to proceed with this idea at all. Maybe its just going through the motions.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it cost far less to subsidize the taxi rate? The taxi could pick up 4 or 5 people per trip...they all have vans and there seems to be 3 or 4 taxi vans in town.

Anonymous said...

I see in the paper they talked about transporting school kids.
Lets see Cupe at the town will go for there members transporting kids to school.
While the school board lays off Cupe bus drivers.

Why doesn't council get serious and focus on issues that they can achieve.

Anonymous said...

From your last two surveys I'm starting to see a common theme.
Lets open a new municipal office at the MDM. Lets provide a transportaion system that less than 1% of our population will use. But 100% of us will pay for it.
Didn't one of the councillors previously state that it was time for that to end?
Enough of the foolish ideas to spend the taxpayers money. Its almost like we have an NDP government here.

Anonymous said...

Crowsnest Pass

Read the CAO's words in the Promoter "revenues must be increased"
Take your 0%(oops 2%) this year, consider it a gift because you are going to get wacked over the next few year.
Think about those five jobs $300,000 per year. Forever and ever.


Anonymous said...

There better be a lot of money in that line in the budget marked "inefficiencies".

These guys are going to have no problem spending it again, and again, and again.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a waste of time.I just can not see this being viable.But it does bring to light the town rounder service.You are saying that only 12 people a day use that service.Would not a small van work a whole lot cheaper, or get rid of it all together. I know it is mostly for seniors but it is obviously not being utilized.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

I will quote the report given to council.
"an average ridership of 8 daily and 4 occasionally"

Anonymous said...

This is from Cam Mertz in your earlier post "Alternatives (1) Look at combining with the present town rounder, very difficult due to the scheduling requirements of the present clients "
Scheduling requirements of 8 people??? Would not want to disrupt these peoples tight schedules.
Is it just me or this crazy.

Anonymous said...

Put this idea under the, "I'm trying to please the people that voted for me but I know will never happen!" File


peter rosner said...

there are bigger fish to fry and the sooner this council realizes this and "GETS TO IT" the better off we will all be. Lets use some common sense here because i dont see the demand for a shuttle service.

Anonymous said...

The much anticipate task force is coming.
The solution will be laid at on the table for us.
All we will be asked to do is provide the funding throught some sort of scheme that takes money out of out pockets.
That scheme is called additional taxation.

Anonymous said...

Mr Ward

You know what? I'm supporting transportation both here on your blog and when the survey comes out.
I really do not care if it costs a lot more on taxes.
I don't have a car I can't afford a taxi plus I'm a renter so tax increases will not impact me.
Those that are paying taxes either make the big bucks at the mine or are wealthy weekenders from the city. So if taxes have to go up to provide the less fortunate like myself a ride. I don't care.


Anonymous said...

I neither work at the mines or am a rich week ender, I worked like hell and bought a car then worked like saved and bought a house and I see no reason why I should pay for your way.

Anonymous said...


If I really said what I feel about your comment it would not get published.
But let me keep it simply for you, I do care.
We were told this year that our taxes would not go up well on a $2500 bill mine went up $110.
If they go up any more mine will be one more house with a big For Sale sign in front of it.

Anonymous said...

Denise, Did you ever think that if taxes go up, your rent goes up as well.Or do you think that the person you are renting from will pay this addional cost.
The survey should only go to tax payers as they are the ones footing the bill.It should also clearly state how much taxes will go up if approved.

Anonymous said...

Maybe when the Economic Task Force report comes out. Council will bring in some good paying jobs. That will provide Denise the opportunity to make enough money to buy both a car and an house!

John Prince said...

Mr. Ward,
Before too many more people jump all over Denise as a ne'er-do-well I think it important to point out there are a lot of people in this community who are not well to do as the Affordable Housing Committee (Report) found out, as you know full-well having sat on that committee with us as the municipal representative. To now deny there is a need in this community for this type of service is to deny the facts that you are cognizant of.

The fact is Dean, that you do have a track record of taking things from people (CLC, spring cleanup, etc.) while at the same time consistently coming out against progressive ideas that help the poor and disadvantaged in this community, such as public transportation. At the same time, when on council for two terms you did absolutely nothing to bring industry, business, etc, to our area. In fact, your only claim to fame in this area is to stay quiet on the Bridgecreek fiasco, although you were at the table on our behalf with these people when giving them a blank cheque, resulting in setting us back as a community for years to come in both lost opportunity and possibly millions of dollars in future liabilities too? Or recently with our CAO’s resignation where you have also chosen to stay quiet on this matter with respect to his contract? Furthermore, over the years, there is nothing anyone can point to, to say we got something from your councils that really benefited this community, while at the same time helping to reduce our taxes. In fact, you and your councils only increased them most years.

I do not understand how anyone in public office who believes only in taking things away from people, taxing them heavily year after year, while at the same time telling them they don't need what they repeatedly keep asking for e.g. indoor swimming pool, and at the end of the day brings nothing new and beneficial to the community, can be anything but conservative, which is what we have had here in the Pass and in this province for decades, and for the past 6 years in this country federally, as well.

Conservatives it seems never do anything for anybody but themselves and their friends, at other people's expense. So my question to you on behave of Denise is, does there have to be a financial gain for either you, your conservative friends, or their friends, before anything progressive can come to this community? Or do we have to wait until you all die off before that happens?

A community having 27km from one end to the other needs a public transportation system. End of story!

John Prince

p.s. Before anyone has the audacity to say conservatives are good fiscal managers just look at our municipal, provincial and now federal situation. In each case you will see that is a fallacy and far from the truth. The facts are they are penny wise and dollar foolish as anyone with half a brain can attest to. Save money by cutting programs and jobs and then buy jets instead. Or in our case, cut services and programs for people in order to pay interest for bad decisions on questionable priorities, while at the same time neglecting the real needs and wants of a community because we can’t afford it? The truth is we cannot afford *not* to do these things, if we hope to continue having a viable healthy inclusive community, rather than being exclusive, as we are now.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

Mr. Ward,
Before too many more people jump all over Denise as a ne'er-do-well I think it important to point out there are a lot of people in this community who are not well to do as the Affordable Housing Committee (Report) found out, as you know full-well having sat on that committee with us as the municipal representative. To now deny there is a need in this community for this type of service is to deny the facts that you are cognizant of.

Mr Prince, So far your right I did indeed sit on the affordable housing committee, and yes we established that a lot of people in this community are not well to do. The issue at debate here is not affordable housing but public transportation.

The fact is Dean, that you do have a track record of taking things from people (CLC, spring cleanup, etc.)

Mr Prince that's a list of two items maybe I miss read but I thought you agreed with the CLC direction? Cleanups had got to the point where they were costing as much as $400,000 per year.

while at the same time consistently coming out against progressive ideas that help the poor and disadvantaged in this community, such as public transportation.

Mr Prince “consistently” we are talking about one issue here!

At the same time, when on council for two terms you did absolutely nothing to bring industry, business, etc, to our area.

Mr Prince, we saw more development in the last three years than in the previous ten. “Industry and business” we, the world just went through a recession.

In fact, your only claim to fame in this area is to stay quiet on the Bridgecreek fiasco, although you were at the table on our behalf with these people when giving them a blank cheque, resulting in setting us back as a community for years to come in both lost opportunity and possibly millions of dollars in future liabilities too?

Mr Prince “stay quite on the Bridgecreek fiasco” I thought you read my blog. I would think I was the last person to stay quite, that’s nonsense go back and read the article in the paper where I got slammed for turning down another fiasco proposal from this group. Affordable housing behind the glass shop. In fact if I remember correctly you yourself was critical of council for that decision.

Or recently with our CAO’s resignation where you have also chosen to stay quiet on this matter with respect to his contract?

Mr Prince. The CAO had an agreement (doing this from memory) that started in the $120K range, plus benefits with a review after 6months, 18 months and 30 months. I can’t remember the exact amount but he was also given a relocation allowance that was repayable on a pro rated basis if he left prior to the end of the term. There was no signing bonus.

Furthermore, over the years, there is nothing anyone can point to, to say we got something from your councils that really benefited this community, while at the same time helping to reduce our taxes. In fact, you and your councils only increased them most years.

Mr Prince, I will start with the end of the money pit (CLC), the reduction of two ice surfaces that were being utilized 20% of the time, a community centre that has become a beehive of activity. The elimination of the annual ritual of wasting $300,000 plus on cleanups. The elimination of un necessary costly positions at the municipality, (by attrition no layoffs). A vastly improved community standards bylaw. Establishment of a fund to assist with a proposed upgrade and expansion of the York creek lodge. A development that is bringing in an additional $200,000 a year in tax revenue. That’s just what I could think of in two minutes.
And as far as increasing taxes I was one vote, in six years I voted for a tax increase once. Then only after the majority of council agreed to some of the items listed above.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

I do not understand how anyone in public office who believes only in taking things away from people, taxing them heavily year after year, while at the same time telling them they don't need what they repeatedly keep asking for e.g. indoor swimming pool, and at the end of the day brings nothing new and beneficial to the community, can be anything but conservative, which is what we have had here in the Pass and in this province for decades, and for the past 6 years in this country federally, as well.

Mr Prince the last statement I have already covered off some parts of it. The indoor swimming pool I have stated my opinion on that many times, you can go back and read my literature from the election. But I will do it again, personally I would have no problem supporting a swimming pool done right. By that I mean put together a proposal determine the funding that is available then come back to the public and allow them to decide through a plebiscite. Why a plebiscite? Simple I believe based on what it as cost other communities to build and operate an Indoor swimming pool would be a huge cost. It would place a tremendous tax burden on our residents, that like you stated previously are in a lot of cases not “well to do” lets face it half our population are seniors. Personally, I would gladly pay 15-20% more per year in taxes to have an Indoor swimming pool that does not mean everybody else will.
A “Conservative” what are they does anybody really know any more? Right here in the heart of the Conservative territory we have a new party that’s fast gaining popularity based on a believe that the Conservative party is no longer Conservative.

Conservatives it seems never do anything for anybody but themselves and their friends, at other people's expense. So my question to you on behave of Denise is, does there have to be a financial gain for either you, your conservative friends, or their friends, before anything progressive can come to this community? Or do we have to wait until you all die off before that happens?

Mr Prince what as a Liberal, NDP, Bloc, or any other form of government ever done for anybody that was not at other people’s expense. Its called taxes can you show me one building one piece of Infrastructure that was paid for by those parties of course not the taxpayers always pay?

A community having 27km from one end to the other needs a public transportation system. End of story!

John Prince

p.s. Before anyone has the audacity to say conservatives are good fiscal managers just look at our municipal, provincial and now federal situation. In each case you will see that is a fallacy and far from the truth. The facts are they are penny wise and dollar foolish as anyone with half a brain can attest to. Save money by cutting programs and jobs and then buy jets instead. Or in our case, cut services and programs for people in order to pay interest for bad decisions on questionable priorities, while at the same time neglecting the real needs and wants of a community because we can’t afford it? The truth is we cannot afford *not* to do these things, if we hope to continue having a viable healthy inclusive community, rather than being exclusive, as we are now.

Mr Prince this community and its council can do anything they wish weather it be building an Indoor swimming pool, transportation system, affordable housing whatever they like. But remember the coal miners, weekenders, seniors, “not well to do “ and everybody else will pay for it.
One last comment for Denise if your landlord gets a tax increase who do you really think will pay it?

Anonymous said...

Nice rant John.
#1 You say their is a need, yet only 8 people on average use the town rounder on a daily basis.Does not sound like "a need" to me.
#2 Attacking Dean or any other past councilor about things that have happened is useless.You did not bring in any industry when you were on council.It is time to move forward.
#3 Do we need a public transportation system.YES.Can we afford one? NO.There are a lot of wants and needs out there, we must spend our tax dollars wisely on what is most beneficial to the whole community, not a select few.

#4 PET a Liberal brought this country into massive debt,but you do not mention this.

Overall one of the worst posts by you that I have ever read.

peter rosner said...

I am a little curious if Denise is working or not. Is there something that is preventing her from working or are we paying her way. If she is looking for work the local mines are hiring and she can make some of those "Big Bucks" and pay her own way.

John Prince said...

The point I was trying to make is if we leave it up to conservatives to decide everything for this community nothing will come because they are all about taking, not giving. They have no vision, knowing only the present or the past...

“I do not know which makes a man more conservative—to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past.”

I’m trying to get it across to you and the others here that in order for us to have a viable future as a community, instead of dying a slow death as we have been doing for years now as our population slowly dwindles putting extra burden on the rest of us to pick up the bills, we must provide the things people want and need and stop being so selfish and self-centered having tunnel vision only. Public transportation, indoor swimming pool, affordable housing, well paying jobs, etc., etc. are all the things people need, and which makes a community healthy, prosperous and able to draw people to it. If you and the others want to continue putting up class barriers, nimby attitudes, cronyism, etc. we will never move forward as we should.

I’m just sick and tired of hearing why we can’t do things because people are stuck in the past or too lazy to entertain a new idea that might work if only we had the balls to take the first step and were not held back by those ‘know it alls’, that don’t know shit!

I believe where there is a common will and purpose, anything can be done.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

Are you going to provide jobs for the hundreds of others in this community like Denise who could use one of those good paying mine jobs? Because if you are, I could use one too. Then there are the others who can't work for a variety of reasons including disability, health, (no jobs), etc. and who live on marginal incomes unable to afford a vehicle, taxi, or lacking in support groups. What about them? Your attitude towards those who are less fortunate than yourself makes me think of the following quote...

“... we are so materialistic poverty now actually carries the shame that cowardice carried in earlier, warrior times.”

In case you don’t know it, and before you continue to come across as too condescending you should know this about people that are poor... “The trouble with being poor is that it takes up all of your time.”
Most of them are far from lazy and would jump at one of your mining jobs in a minute to get out from under poverty/debt traps, and the stigmatization that goes with it.

Anonymous said...

"A vastly improved community standards bylaw."

Cleansite in Bellevue and a whole host of others throughout our valley is still waiting for your "vastly improved community standards bylaw".

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

The bylaw is indeed vastly improved.
Now the issue is enforcement, you can have the best bylaw in the world if its not enforced it means squat.
Is it perfect by no means but I believe it provided future councils with a good base to work with.
Now we will see if this council enforces it and improves on it.

Anonymous said...

Granted Dean, but it does seem we continue to spin our wheels with nothing really changing, don't we? The Community Standards Bylaw with its obvious 'lack of enforcement' is but yet another example that has been going on for years. Council continually dragging their feet on this issue is just more confirmation to this fact. Is it any wonder people are disillusioned with politicians who say one thing (we got a vastly improved Community Standards Bylaw) but do another (no enforcement and therefore nothing changes)?

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

You obviously know me I had no problem with enforcement.
Keep in mind we did not pass the bylaw until a few months before the election. By no means was there 100% buy in between all members of council.
But this council as been in office for 7+ months now, I agree with you, they do need to deal with this issue.
I always believed that cleaning up this community his of paramount importance.
Thanks for your comment on a very important issue.

Anonymous said...

Clean Site in Bellevue? Is that the one Councilor Brian Gallant drivves by each and every day?

Anonymous said...

Your May 18 blog mentions a "Bylaw Enforcement Report". Is this available to the public?

Also, while I'm off-topic, whatever happened to the new CNP logo that was announced with much fanfare?

peter rosner said...

Hello John sorry i couldnt get back to you as i was "WORKING" all day-- and yes paying the bill for the freeloaders who dont want to work or cant work. Lets use you for an example you could be working but you cant cut it and its easier to sit on your ass all day in front of a computer complaining about the world. You are only right on one point and yes there are people in society that need us to help them out because they are not capable of working or make a modest income i have no problem helping them but i draw the line on freeloaders and scam artists.

peter rosner said...

while we are at it here John i thought i may refresh your memory from your own blog of March 29/11--"Layton vows to cap credit cards"
Harold said...
You only say 'more for the needy and less for the greedy' because you are needy. You also want something for nothing. If you were rich and successful you would piss all over the poor.


March 31, 2011 4:15 PM
peter rosner said...
well JOhn i dont know what "union Members" you talk to and i know there are selfish people in all segments of society. I believe the heavy taxes our union members pay go a long way in helping the governments deliver hospitilization and social programs for the needy. At work we have a humanitarian fund where the employees have a regular deduction from their pay cheque to help others. Even on strike now we are doing our best to make sure people dont fall through the cracks. Personally i have assisted many people be it they were hitchhiking on the highway or needed a bite to eat. We are not all selfish and i know many good people in the union movement who think and act like this.

March 31, 2011 4:27 PM

John Prince said...

Hello Peter, after reading your comment above my first reaction was to serve you your own balls for breakfast but then I remembered what I have been taught about being kind to ‘dumb’ animals.

I guess I must have hurt your feelings or something for you to have to resort to demeaning unsubstantiated personal attacks against Denise and me because I pointed out to you your small-mindedness and ignorance on such matters as poverty, and the needs of those less fortunate than yourself in the Crowsnest, like their need for public transportation? Remember public transportation? That was the topic we were on and not lets beat up the poor or make them accountable to you and your kind in forcing them to explain their personal situation and why they have to be a burden to the taxpayers here, when that same onus is not put on others in cities and townships right across this country. In fact, the vast majority of communities much, much smaller than ours provide public transportation for their residents. It’s just a common-sense given. Who the f**k you think you are spitting down at people who can’t fight back. Why don’t you take on the big boys and corporations that are raping this land, taking its wealth and its good paying jobs with them? Oh, I forgot, your one of the fortunate few working for one of these corporations and they sent you home with your tail between your legs recently, didn’t they? It’s safer and easier to beat up on the poor and defenceless than to take on those who know how to fight back, isn’t it?

People like you with your double standards (one standard for the rich and another for the poor) make me sick. Because I know it’s your type that has held back this community for decades. It was okay to pay for the CLC and museum to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually that catered pretty much exclusively to the rich and well to do in this community while the rest of us including the poor paid for your play things, but to provide a much needed essential service to the other half in this community is not?

You and your kind in this community, like your friends at the Pass Herald, having the bully attitude you all have running ram shod over all of us for years now are slowly finding out, I think, that some of us will no longer be bullied and will fight back for what is right and long overdue.

Now get back to WORK so you can continue complaining to everyone who will listen to your BS how hard-pressed and done in you are in having to support all those freeloaders and scam artists whose ranks are growing ever larger with each passing day, because of corporate and government policies that you and your kind do nothing about.

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

Harold R. said...

Ha ha ha! ZING! Good one Peter Rosner!
Sorry I haven't been posting. I've been out farming and doing other jobs. You know, WORKING. I'm comfortably retired and I still choose to contribute to society.
Anyway, I agree with those that believe that public transportation is not necessary. Work and buy a vehicle, or do the "green" thing that Liberals like to promote (unless they actually have to do it).....walk or bicycle.


Anonymous said...

I quote John Prince

"In fact, the vast majority of communities much, much smaller than ours provide public transportation for their residents"

Just a question for you Dean/John Prince or anybody else that cares to answer where are you talking about?


Anonymous said...

Didn't well paid miners who drive $50,000 4x4's howl and scream recently when Teck was thinking of taking their bus service away? Isn't that hypocritical of them (Peter) demanding this service for themselves but not for others in their community, especially the poor and disadvantaged.

Anonymous said...

Harold ,
If you are "comfortably retired" why don't you leave the farming and other jobs to the people who actually need a job, you humanitarian you..

Anonymous said...

Hi Dean

First time I have had the opportunity to read your blog. We have a transit system in Sparwood its a complete joke. Hardly anybody uses it, the only good thing is we do not pay for it out of our taxes. Its paid for by RDEK and the BC Transit system.
The people whining about the distance should keep in mind that Sparwood is spreading out up the valley (Heights, and the new golf course area that looks about has promising has your old slag piles area)


Anonymous said...

Mr. Prince

Time for anger management classes.

First you want to beat up "Harold" and now Pete.

Nothing more embarrassing than an old guy that thinks he's a tough guy.

Harold R. said...

Anon @ 12:10
Good question. Why am I out working? Well, what the heck else would I do all day? I don't sit here all flippin' day on the computer and complain about the world to the world. TV is a complete joke, and I'm not a sit inside and play checkers and cards all day type of guy. I get off my behind and do something productive. I don't have too many years left on this planet so I need to make the most of it.
I guess the other reason I farm is my son can't seem to find any decent help these days with the farming. He pays a decent wage, supplies lunch and even supper, and asks no more of his helpers than an honest day's effort. The kids today (yes the ones in their 20s that still live at home) would rather sit and play their nintendos and x-boxes all day than get out and learn something valuable. The big kids would rather set up blogs and sit on them all day whining to the world about why they didn't become mayor and that the world is out to get them because they want something for nothing.
Am I complaining? Hell no! I'm a journeyman in 3 other trades and do a lot of side work to fill my day when there's no farming to do or grandkids to visit. I made the most of life. I'm happy where I am and what I do, never claimed a dime in UI or welfare or "help" from anyone, and I fully support those that support themselves and are willing to get out and find the means to do so, without expecting the government's teat to suck on all the time.
I hope that clears up why I "work". Anyway, day is not over so I gotta get back to it.

All the very best,

John Prince said...

Okay, I give up trying to talk about Public Transportation with the ones who hang out here.

Anonymous said...

This is not about rich or is about demand. There is no demand, very few people will use it.I wish council would quit wasting there time on crazy things.
It is now June, still no results from that task force. I can not wait to see what these guys say that has not already been said.My guess is that it will be the same as what our own commitees came up with over the years.

Anonymous said...

Good question about the task force...
What about the big plan Mayor Decoux had for the River Run project and the investors? He promised some information by April. It is now June. Do we have even more secrets regarding the project and the so called developers? Are the BBoys going to be protected again even though everyone knows it was a fraud? More protecting the evil, More secrets, more of the same 'ol.
How many bridgecreek secrets died with the ex-mayor this week I wonder?

Anonymous said...

John Prince, Dean Ward, or anybody else with the answers.
I'm still waiting for that list of towns smaller than ours that have a transportation service.
We did hear from one person out of Sparwood.
Anybody else????????????


Anonymous said...


Dean, where could I get a copy of the report the Library Board did that brought them to this decision?
I heard Brian Gallant did not know the library was closing until he read it in the paper. What do these Councilors know???

Anonymous said...

The Library board report should be available through the municipal office, Councilor Saindon sits on that board.

Anonymous said...

Did you not hear what John said? Shouting will not bring him back I think, and I wouldn't blame him. As anonymous COWARDS such as yourself here will always hide behind insults, rather than dealing head on with any of our local issues.


Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish.

Anonymous said...

Diane you also are anonymous, unless of course you are the only Diane in the world.

Anonymous said...


I'm the only Diane here aren't I? While you still are only one of many anonymous posters, aren't you? :-)


peter rosner said...

So John now we know you are "Diane" :) you might also be "Denise" :)you may want to rename your blog to "One moment inside a Liberals head"---scary

Anonymous said...

Sorry Diane, you of course are right.

John Jacob Engel Heimer Scmidt
or is it
Tom, Dick or Harry
or Jane,Jill or Mary

Either use your whole name or do not complain about those that post anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I saw the town rounder turning into the mall person in it! Yup we really need public transportation!!!!!!!!!

Harold R. said...

We all know John has multiple personalities, Peter. Too bad there isn't one that makes any sense over the other.
FYI, "Diane" is Prince's wife's name. Coincidence? I think not!


Anonymous said...

Ah, the chattering classes lead by Peter the Great and his four horsemen, who love to hear themselves talk about anything and everything while accomplishing nothing.

My name is Diane, it is not John, (but you are getting warm) and I see again the COWARDLY bunch here digressed once again from the subject at hand to resorting to finding out the identity and circumstance of those who think and act differently from them, whether that be a Denise or a Diane. How sad you people are! Maybe if you all took off your white sheets and saw one another for what you really are then maybe this community could finally start moving bravely forward, rather than cowardly hiding here under anonymous.

Diane P.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Harold the other member of Peter the Great and the four horsemen's group who continues to use the name Harold when it has been pointed out several times now that his real name is Chad the infamous and gutless wonder of school board busing issue fame, whose rants against Prince have become a regular feature here on Dean's blog for having pointed this out to him. The perfect example of what I spoke to earlier regarding people here who "love to hear themselves talk about anything and everything while accomplishing nothing".

Diane P.

Anonymous said...

Ha Harold, Peter the Great, the Four Horsemen you have all been naughty boys. Now stop it or I will not like you any more.

Diane Pr.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Chad (Harold) now you forge other people's names to your posts. Is there nothing you will not do to accomplish your evil ends? Have you no shame, no scruples, no honour? I think not!

Diane P.

Anonymous said...

Diane, is the Chad you are referring to Chad Petrone? If so, I'm not surprised. What does surprise me is how the gang here you mentioned does not seem to care about Harold's identity (Chad) but they are interested in Denise and yours and anybody else who does not toe the line in their way of thinking. Good for you Diane. Sometimes it takes a woman to show the men what fools and hypocrites they can be.

Anonymous said...

Dean how come you did not post my comment? Is it because I asked Diane if Harold is Chad Petrone? If so you don't seem to have a problem when people like Chad (Harold) point fingers at Diane (Prince?). What's fair is fair but you are not being fair, are you?

peter rosner said...

ok this is getting a little ridiculous and well off topic but i believe if you firmly believe in your statements you should back them with your name. It will either add credibility to your position or take it away. I do understand why some post anon as it may affect their particular employment status. If "Diane" supports her husband and writes her own material good for her for supporting "John". We disagree on the public transportation issue and probably a lot of other things. That being said there is no reason to drag family members into the debate

Harold R. said...

If you honestly think I'm this "Chad" character, I've got some prime ocean front property in Saskatchewan to sell you. I haven't been forging your name. I've been out doing something know..."working" all day. Something you should try for once in your life. You might find you get more satisfaction out of life actually earning your way and not expecting the government to support you like all Liberals do. I work to make extra money and pass the day productively. I don't sit on blogs all day and complain about the world. I don't expect to get something for nothing and never have.
Anyway, that being said, I'm gonna go eat some supper and hit bed. I've got a full day again tomorrow, and it's not trolling blogs like a bum.


Anonymous said...

Now that you have learned your lesson and begged for mercy, remember to play nice now... or I'll be back. :-)

"I am woman, hear me roar!"

Diane P.