Often I have people ask me questions about the political situation in the Crowsnest Pass. So I will take the time to address the most common questions being asked over the last couple of months.
What is your opinion of this new schedule for council meetings?
Since Mayor Decoux and his group of councilors took over there as been 55 meeting of council (Including Council, G+P, Special meeting, Organizational etc up to December 6th 2011)
The average duration of those meeting has been 2 hours and 28 minutes of which 58 minutes on average have been in camera. That means the average resident has had the opportunity to see their council at work making the decisions that impact every one of us for a grand total of six hours a month.
Now I know that most people don't go to council meeting, lets face it the majority of people don't vote.
Why not lessen the number of elections?
But that's not the point, the public must have the opportunity if they so choose to see their council at work, in a community that has a lot of people that work 12 hour shifts and out of town the opportunity must be provided.
Previous council met every Tuesday (as recommended by the Cuff report) this gave every person four opportunities a month to drop by the municipal office and see their council at work if they wished.
During December, January and now February council has been testing a schedule where they meet on only two days a month one day for just a council meeting. A second day for a G+P meeting in the afternoon and then a council meeting at night. Depending on shift schedules a person may never have the opportunity to attend a meeting.
Is their a lot of debate at the council meeting?
I don't think so, I keep telling people to come to a meeting and check it out for themselves. Some more interesting numbers, most of us know that you can't make motions In Camera at the average meeting there are 14 motions made, council is only in the public realm for 90 minutes a meeting that means on average a motion is being made every six minutes. Would anybody consider there to be a lot of debate?
Do you feel the strategic plan as been successful?
I respond with what do you think? outside of the Bellevue Library closing, name me one other change. Believe it or not I still get people saying well they consolidated the Blairmore/Coleman shop.
How much are we spending on consultants?
That comes up again and again I am going to request those numbers soon from the municipality, will I be provided them who knows.
Are my taxes going up this year?
My answer is I believe so, but I always caution don't just watch your taxes. Follow franchise fees, user fees, etc.
Do you think the back tax rate increase had a significant effect on the amount of outstanding back taxes?
Financial statements will be out near the end of April I will compare this years numbers with last.
Just some things to think about and hopefully create some debate
"council is only in the public realm for 90 minutes a meeting that means on average a motion is being made every six minutes. Would anybody consider there to be a lot of debate?"
Only two things come to mind here.. council is of no opinion or they are lacking any knowledge of the motions before them and therefore voting like a pile of Muppets for whatever Kermit says, or they are meeting on their own and the decision has been made before the G+P.If the second, so much for the transparency platform that most ran on.
It is becoming apparent that this council does not know how to communicate with the people in a way that resonates trust and confidence. They strike me as a fearful and secretive bunch. Maybe this community has given them too much to chew and they are beside themselves in what to do? Or maybe they have just resigned themselves to being there for the prestige and freebies? Why work? In any event, not much seems to be getting done… even behind closed doors, it seems.
With this weather how long before you think we will be hearing. "We should still have the center available".
Check the hotels there are still rooms available, plus our largest hotel is closed right now.
Thanks for your comment just made a couple of quick calls if you know anybody that needs a room.
The highwood still has 4 doubles available @ 562 8888.
The Cos still has a room for 4-5 people and two singles 562 7321.
Your last comments is so true especially when our largest hotel is closed. If that had been open there would have been lots of rooms available.
I don't know about you Anon @2:25 but I think Dean just step all over us to get at Diane? :-) It's amazing what the mention of the CLC does to a guy, isn't it?
Not the mention of CLC just stupidity. Lets not forget about the Elks hall, Polish hall, seniors halls, the MDM plus three schools.
Talking to a friend in Sparwood today they were talking about putting cots in the hall at the arena what a novel idea.
Back to 2 25 keep in mind they don't make motions anymore at G+P meeting so that 6 minutes really is something less.
To your comments JP "the proof is in the pudding" and our bowl looks pretty empty.
Any way come next month when they hammer all those concessions out of CUPE there will be lots of money to build the Empire.
I have pretty well given up on any thing new happening in this town. I like most people go to Lethbridge or Calgary for shopping entertainment etc.
The outdoors here is awesome until the enviromentalists shut that down.
All I ask of this council is to keep living here affordable.
They need to remember that the seven hundred of us that work at the mines especially the ones that have only moved here in the last few years.
Do not need a whole lot more reason to spend one hour less a day travelling to the mine.
Mark T
I sure would like to know how much is being spent on consultants. I hear there is one still working there now.
Dean it is funny you should draw attention to the six minute average the council spends in open debate on each motion presented for vote. Last week I looked over the Jan 10th minutes and was struck that all the public council business was completed in 1hour 5 minutes and the one in camera issue took 1 hour 40 minutes.
Something is definitely off here. This is feeling like déjà vu when our old mayor did all the thinking and the council votes were 7-0. Councilor Saindon’s reference to themselves as the “magnificent seven” is not looking so magnificent to many of us. All the problems they have fixed so far were not problems at election time. Where did all these new problems come from? The one glaring problem this community has is lack of growth and vitality while the communities on both sides of are moving ahead. It looks to me like we have a group busying themselves with moving the furniture around thinking this busyness will give the appearance of moving ahead. Is it possible they do not have anything to offer toward our real problem? After all we have been preparing ourselves for the boom for the last 30 years. The boom did come, just not here.
Maybe a little more public debate would bring some new ideas.
The really frustrating part is every month when I pay my utility bill I look at those franchise fees.
Realizing that I am paying to support consultants plus the hiring of more municipal staff. Not for change which is what I voted for.
Previous post "magnificent seven" there is an old kids story that revolved around a group of "seven" it certainly wasn't "magnificent"
Check it out for those that have not seen it:
You folks will all eat your words when you see that major hotel chain building on the Crowsnest Center site.
....and the major condo development/indoor pool/hotel/convenion center at river run...
....and the Blairmore/Coleman shop consolidation....
Good comments Danny. I too am starting to have problems with the way things are being done by our council. The debate (or lack there of) on increased property tax penalty was not logical and was extremely disrespectful to the citizens of this community. In those in-camera/retreat/closed door meetings the mayor seams to get everyone on the same page. It was interesting to watch Gallant & Saindon blogs as they sang the same chorus … 21% additional penalty to the late payers is not fair to the ones who pay on time la la la la. If anyone questions this they just repeat the chorus … 21% additional penalty to the late payers is not fair to the ones who pay on time la la la la. I guess an increase to 51% penalty is now fair for everyone, the magnificent seven said so. Sorry late payers fair is fair. Gallant cut Prince off from commenting on his blog when he reached his quota of ONE comment (quota is only in place for dissenting views). Saindon allowed comments on his blog but his response to Harry shows his arrogant contempt. Harry’s comment was valid and deserved a respectful response from the councilor not a refrain of the chorus. I am thankful Joni MacFarlane was on the ball and wrote her editorial pointing out there were no complaints from the public because this was fet a compli before the public even knew. Danny you are right on point, this council was elected because they said they could stop the decline of our community. Your question is very valid, “IS IT POSSIBLE THEY DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO OFFER TOWARD OUR REAL PROBLEM?” All I see in our future is increased taxes coming our way.
Are they getting paid for all the hours they spend in unofficial secret backroom meetings?
I heard the Municipality hired another consultant this week to restructure the culture and rec board. WhoHooooo Who's going to pay for it? We are of course. I would venture to guess we will see tax increases from 3.5% to 6% in the next budget.
I just looked at Councilor Gallants new post. I was mistakenly thinking things seem kind of dead here but it appears the new council has attracted a lot of new business start ups since they got in and things are turning around quite nicely.
Are our tax dollars being spent wisely?? Hot topic for sure. Here's an example of very poor municipal thinking and waste. I had a situation, called the municipal office after hours and was prompted to push 1 for an emergency, which I did. I was forwarded to a call centre in Calgary, to a person not familiar with the Crowsnest Pass. I explained my situation and they said they'd take care of dispatching to the municipality. Several hours later I called back as I hadn't heard from anyone. Get this - they sent a fax to the closed municipal office! Word of caution, don't think you'll get any type of emergency response from them after hours/weekends. A good use of tax payer money? I think not.
Well Ben, you really made me laugh.First off at least half of those businesses were up and running before this council. Secondly, not one of those businesses started up because they got some type of incentive from this or any other council. And do not forget how far out of there way council went to screw over that guy who wanted to start a repair shop, who was also willing to build a building. Sorry Ben, this council has done nothing.No more laughing.
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