Mountain Freedom came out in 2007 at a cost of roughly $35,000 Naturally Rewarding today at a cost of roughly $50,000.
On the right hand side is your chance to choose which you prefer.
Also you get to read some interesting comments from Sasha's blog on the show at the Elk's Hall tonight.
Want to read more about the branding in the Crowsnest Pass available at
Does anyone remember the slogan for the River Run project in Blairmore? Some of the literature is still kicking around. Probably even at the municipal office.
The public was invited by newspaper ads and on the website to a "Branding Open House". When we got there at 6:00 the invited guests were just finishing up their hors d'oeuvres and wine. A projector was set up (apparently there was a presentation to these worthies) but all there was for us plebeians was some placards duplicating the brochure Sasha posted. We didn't even get to listen to His Worship's stories.
"Naturally Rewarding" - Well, coal deposits are natural, and strip mines are rewarding.
Thanks for the link to my Blog, Dean. I think that you have missed another associated cost to all this new branding. The cost of giving all Municipal vehicles, signs and buildings the new brand. It's a cost that we the tax payers will obviously be paying for. A cost that we did not ask for or get asked if we wanted to spend. I would love to find out what that amount will be, by the time all is said and done. - Sasha
It must be easy spending other peoples money.There was nothing wrong with the old brand and it is not like the new brand will suddenly put us on the map. How much more will it cost to get rid of all of the old brand things and replace it with the new brand.Nice triangle mountains if it was drawn by a 9 year old.
Correct me please, wasn't River Run's "Brand" where the "River Flows Naturally"
What is the criteria to be an invited guest? Who's decision is it to make the criteria?
So it seems like Council is trying to create a "Class system" in the Crowsnest Pass. Could the "elite" not just come to the public meeting?
Make the rest of us feel like equals, or is it just a method to fill the room, so they are not too embarrassed?
River Run - Where Life Flows Naturally - very nice font, very original. Check it out on the blue building in Blairmore. Probably not copy righted and ready to go. Is someone doing some branding here? They do a lot of branding in the MD of Ranchlands – they will likely be very happy to help.
Sounds like a commercial for Metamucil or bran flakes
Good comment, I wonder how much of this process is covered by our tax dollars from Edmonton? and how much we are paying locally. It's not just about Vehicles, signs and buildings. Think about all the letter head, bills, envelopes etc, etc.
I arrived at the "Open House" just before six. The website gave a 6:00 start time and the newspaper ad said 6:30; I thought that arriving for the early time was prudent.
I felt like a party crasher! Folks were dressed in glitter and suits and they were snacking appies and sipping wine. Unprepared for this, I had just had an early supper and I was dressed "Crowsnest Casual". No one welcomed me.
I spoke with Councilor Lonsbury and Mr Thompson. It was explained that presentations had been given prior to the cocktail party for invited guests and the media. The select audience must have raved about the new logo and brand. I asked for the cost numbers and got an oblique reply that there was a $50,000 budget and the project had come in under that.
I left before 7:00 because there wasn't anything happening. I suppose that I could have called the town office and asked for more information prior to going ... would I have been told that I would be fed and that I should clean up and dress for a party? Who knows. At least the cost of the catered hot snacks and booze fit into the budget.
I must observe that there were very few ordinary townsfolk attending during the time I was there. Apathy or a considered snub to our rulers? I just went because I was curious! Engaging interested people is a way to build community spirit and I felt that my paricipation has no value.
I dunno, but Runchlands may be happy and come here to do some branding. This could help to save some tax dollars?
Lets keep the old boys club going in the Pass. Who determined the invited guests, what was the criteria to be part of the important people.
I just thank God we did not pay for this Grade Four art project with our tax dollars. No wonder they are in trouble financially in Edmonton.
Personally I like the graphics and colors. However, I agree with Sasha and others, the slogan is forgettable. I keep reading "naturally revolting", that can't be a good sign either. I'm not impressed by the elitist release, really was it nessesary to hold 2 events?
I do not like it. There is nothing unique about "Naturally rewarding". Everywhere you go in Alberta, you can be "Naturally rewarded" from the badlands, to the wheat fields to the mountains of Banff and Jasper. How are you going to sell the Pass when literally everywhere you go you can be "naturally rewarded". In addition, I think it is very limiting by ignoring one of our greatest strengths, the people and its history. Do you think Calgarians will be coming to the Pass to experience "mother nature" when they have the same thing right next door in Banff. Missed opportunity. At least "Mountain Freedom" has the potential to be developed into something unique. Pursue your passions in the Pass, whatever they may be. We do not have the restrictions the national parks do.From bird watching to snowmobiling, the Pass can do it all. Instead, they give us something very passive - naturally rewarding. Waste of money. They should have spent it developing "Mountain freedom".
Riversdale Resources Schedule for Feb 6.
1-2pm lunch with His Royal Highness, the lemmings and his court.
3-4pm Media meeting, Promoter, Herald, CBC, CTV, Lethbridge Herald, Edmonton Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters, CNN
5-6pm Elite upper class, Chamber, Community Futures, Developers, Realtors, Former Bureaucrats, and any level politician looking to fill a camera lenses
6-8pm Peasants, Lower Castes, Untouchables.
Have they ever figured out its not the message but the way the deliver it.
The graphics are terrible. Canmore's branding was inspired by the natural background scenery of 'The Three Sisters',{and with simple interpretation), that are a trademark of that town. Banff by Mt. Rundle. Should our brand be so geometricly complex? (Did the inspiration for this come from the cutting knives of a grain swather?)
What ever happened to the Crowsnest, the Sisters and the river that are our NATURAL, UNIQUE trademarks?
Change the slogan, if you must, but the former graphics were far superior. Perhaps a different interpretation (or simplification) of the former graphics may be in order?
Everyone agrees, from council, administration and all the way to us on the street. Communication is a problem for this group. They just keep getting in deeper anyway. The branding extravaganza, if that was what it was supposed to be, just fizzled without a murmur. One could expect better from Brian at least, he has been around event promotion; Sinister Seven does not have a separate gathering for the elite runners and the rest of the runners. This is simple: Pack them in, make it tight and inclusive, make everyone look good and feel good. What we saw yesterday looked like a wake, and not a particularly good one, at that. OUR COMMUNITY IS NOT LIKE THIS. The administration and council is not helping the Riversdale cause within the community by continuing with this strange process. The set up looks like a school assembly and the post-assembly activities schedule. After dealing with puffed up African tribal leaders, the Riversdale crew will be right at home at our municipal office. Not good.
Should have gone with the Mountain Freedom, I really liked that and it would have cost a whole lot less than what we see.
So which service did they reduce, or facility did they close to pay for this?
There's some PDFs linked linked at the bottom of this page:
First rule of graphic communication...
'Cursive' wrighting is never used in order to deliver a message that may be but a blink of an eye, as is common with a tourist driving through, or a person viewing our letterhead.
I have never seen any major corporation ever use this, in any form of promotion, when quick recognition of branding is the goal.
Did they think,(research), before launching into a contract with a graphic designer?
Did they approve of such an expensive expenditure with only the inherentgoal of change in mind?
Did they enjoy the wine? I paid fot it, but I was not invited.
In October, we need a complete rebrand of our Municipal Council. They are completely ruining our brand. We used to be known as a friendly community to visit. One of the Weekenders told me tonight he got a ticket for rolling through a stop sign deep in Bellevue. Heard the same story from a Weekender in Bushtown last week. What is this administratoration trying to do to our poor tax base. Things are getting worse by the day.
I count more than 5 triangles, difficult font to read.
It lacks creativity and style.
Maybe the high school students could have come up with an idea. I would rather have paid one of them the money.
I think we will be re-branding somewhere in the near future.
I found the presentation very interesting. The branding plan was good but not that exciting. I ask why a company that was hired to come up with a plan would use the same colors and thoughts as you see in Mountain Freedom. Did our planners even look at Mountain Freedom. I really thought we would be shown something that would jump out at you. When you see what Elkford has done it really stick in your mind and you remember Elkford as a wildness Capital of BC...Just in case you didn't know the same company that did Elkford, did Mountain Freedom. Sorry Guy my Vote would have to go to Mountain Freedom.
Just a waste of money to show they are doing something. So far, thumbs down for this classroom project. They should have given the $25,000 to the high school for something worthwhile. The province is going into huge deficit and municipal grants will be soon cut even more - and these guys are having wine and cheese moments. October can’t come soon enough.
How did you get invited to the presentation?? I pay $2300.00 a year in taxes and I did not get invited?????
Personally I loved the brand, the wine and the snacks.
Good job Council and Administration
Misty Schitz
Waste of taxpayers’ money. If this baloney happened in Calgary or Edmonton, with proportional effort and resources, the media would have merciless fun with this. Our council is getting away with nonsense, and yet they have the nerve to complain about the local media. This group will be remembered as the big spenders come October. There is no way to spin what has happened to date at the municipal office, and make it look good. The annexation of Ranchlands will take a very long time and we will need someone with some people skills at the municipal office to move this forward. Also, if the mine is to become more than a dream, we will need someone with good political instincts to stickhandle all the difficulties that lay ahead. No matter what you think about our current council and the job they are doing, there is no disagreement about their lack of people skills and their lack of political skills. October will be very important for us. Imagine if the taxpayers of this community had to bear four more years of this.
Anon 11:51 wrote:
"If this baloney happened in Calgary or Edmonton, with proportional effort and resources, the media would have merciless fun with this."
They are:
Pricey new Calgary slogan latest example of wasted words
Not exactly proportional though, they are griping about $0.50 per taxpayer. Here it's $10.00 .
Misty, the "In Your Face" attitude that you present only fortifies the ARROGANCE and the disregard towards many Crowsnest citizens shown by the Mayor, Council and Administration. ALL tax payers should have been the given the opportunity that you had to attend the Branding event. Trust you held your pinky finger up when you drank the taxpayers wine.
No wonder the Community has no Volunteers and is being split into two factions. You best hope that your group has the votes come October, because you all will not be so smug after the Election.
01:29 – our community has not been this unified since the Lost Creek fire. There is only one small faction, and these are the few council supporters who meet with Misty at their regular "Friday wine and cheese" inside the Coleman phone booth. Cheers.
I agree with Misty. Love the brand
I agree!
There is is one famous quote. A quote that,out of ignorance and totally out of touch with surroundings. changed the world.
I leave it up to readers here as to how our elected officials have really governed themselves.
I propose a new brand so that they may mark their delusional legacy.
Crowsnest Pass...
"I agree with Misty. Love the brand"
Sat Feb 02, 04:43:00 PM 2013
Please tell us what you two are having for dinner tonight.
No one ever said that this council lacks support, there is a report that at least 47 students were once crammed into a phone booth in Calgary. Perhaps Misty can do better.
7 clowns climing out from a Peace Officer's truck?
I asked my daughter what she thought about the new brand. Her first impression was that it looked like a bunch of teepees. The blank space in the center she said looked like a door into the big teepee in the middle. She had a hard time even making out the word after "Naturally ....". She laughed when I told her it was Naturally Rewarding. She said the Pass was not Rewarding!! Then I tested her memory 3 minutes later. I asked her what it said again, all she could remember was something "... Rewarding". Obviously a big FAIL!!!
Dean -
You are right. I never even though about the cost to change the letterhead, envelopes, stationary, bills, etc.
Just yet another unasked for expense to the tax payers.
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others"
After that it did not seem strange when next day the pigs who were supervising the work of the farm all carried whips in their trotters.
Re: Joe's post from Feb 1
Thanks for the Riversdale meeting agenda.
Will someone remind the emperor's court about the experience of our last mining proposal, the magnetite mine north of Burmis? After several years of debate about the operation, there is still no working mine.
Sasha, this is not about branding, they are building BIG BUREAUCRACY at the municipal and the BURACRACY needs new fancy stationary. This is an expensive way to go around getting new stationary. Amazing.
We have to not get sucked in to the game here. I am sure the Mayor and his Merry man are doing everything possible to inflate their importance to the Riversdale group. We need to be clear that the majority of us recognize the need for industry here.
So if you are mad at council, do not be mad at Riversdale eight more months it won't matter these buffoons are gone. On the other hand we need Riversdale or who ever buys the property of them here for the long term.
The magnificent seven will just be a sad chapter in the history of the Crowsnest Pass.
Kudos to the metamucil and bran flakes connotation of what's naturally rewarding.
Check out the 50x50 pixel Facebook version of the logo which appears at the bottom of the CNP main page.
The Guide (PDF) says:
"The minimum size for the logomark is 31.75 mm wide by 20mm tall."
They don't suggest a minimum pixel size for digital graphics.
How does big is it on your computer? How does it look?
Anon 8:56 wrote:
"I count more than 5 triangles"
I see one big triangle and 6 little ones.
BTW, if you don't like the slogan, you can roll your own:
This font is popular for wedding cards.
We need a whole bunch of new stationary for the growing bureaucracy. They are so tight at muni office they are spreading to the MDM in Bellevue. You can see the fancy new pickups running back and forth burning taxpayers dollars. Director of the Protective Services, Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief. With all this new bureaucratic overhead and lack of volunteers, they are likely to propose shutting down some fire halls, in the name of efficiency, of course. Why else have they shelved the New Fire Plan? Is someone finally thinking about the political consequences of what they are doing to our community?
No the Fire plan was just delayed to Feb 19, word on the street is that Coleman and Hillcrest are toast.
Remember they moved the Coleman public works dept to Blairmore, it would be a perfect sales situation the Coleman shop and Fire dept could be sold as a package deal.
Dean it would sure be interesting to compare the cost of our Fire Dept today compared to 2010
PS: If you don't have enough to do, you can play with the Scriptina Pro font here:
Just type in the "Customize" box. If you add spaces fore and aft like this
" Negativity Rejecting "
the swirlies don't get cut off.
Our new fire protection will have fewer volunteers, more full time supervision, less equipment, and less Fire Halls. All this will cost us way more than the old “inefficient” way of doing things. WE had MORE Volunteers, MORE equipment and FOUR fire halls. ALL THAT - FOR LESS MONEY. Sure, the old system needed to be improved; it did not need to be DESTROYED. This is what you get when you hire out of town consultants, for big money, and don’t do any thinking on your own. The consultants are now gone, but the mess remains.
I was out fly fishing today suddenly a ray of sunlight broke through the clouds, I looked up at the mountains and it was almost "Naturally Rewarding" I could see the municipal brand in the peaks of the mountains.
Hey, that River Run banner looks very durable. Maybe we can reuse the NATURALLY part of the banner. Could save few dollars.
"This font is popular for wedding cards"
Unfortunately I am not driving at 80kmh as I read my wedding invitations.
Should I be confused as to the logo on the side of our trucks and emergency vehicles, or just wonder what wedding they are rushing to? Should our ambulances have reverse mirrored, cursive wrighting on the front hood?
It makes me think of a sign for a campground.
I love the new logo. I'm so impressed with what I've seen of this council. Finally adults making adult moves in the municipality's best interests. Like raising a child, tough love and taking steps that aren't popular are actually better in the long run.
With the recent string of positive news and events, upcoming events, real estate activity (especially commercial) all the people I hang out with are thrilled with the direction Crowsnest is headed.
My point above about the Facebook logo is it didn't occur to them that they might need a smaller digital logo for those newfangled "Social Media" thingies. As it is, we have an image that was designed to be printed on paper shrunk down to a fuzzy blur.
No problem, though, the consultants will be happy to design small digital images for a few thousand more.
Anon 10:00
You love the pretty logo. Do you really think "Naturally Rewarding" will help attract manufacturing plants and open pit mines?
"Positive news" - so far, pie-in-the-sky promises. Negative news is higher spending, taxes and utility fees along with destruction of community spirit and volunteerism.
"events" - wine & horse doovers parties at taxpayers expense for the elite (people you hang out with?).
"real estate activity" - we have heard rumours. Are you privy to any hard facts you wish to share with us?
No adults at the municipal office - just fancy new bureaucracy. We are finely moving in the direction of higher taxes. Don't like the word, but the bureaucracy is driving us in the direction of a Fiscal Cliff. Adults will be needed in October to start mending this mess.
Would the people voting for the new brand still be voting that way if they knew the real cost was closer to $50,000. In addition most of it was not covered by a grant.
Something to think about!
Looked at the pins tonight I am embarrassed $50,000 for that.
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