Monday, September 9, 2013

The hidden tax-“Franchise Fees”

Most residents in most municipalities do not even know about the hidden tax known as “Franchise Fees” in fact some municipalities even go to the ridiculous extreme of trying to claim it is not a tax. The quote below was copied from one of these municipalities. Thanks to an awareness created within our municipality over the last two years, the residents of the Crowsnest Pass are not fooled by this sly trick. This “Fee” as become an alternate revenue source used by politicians to create an illusion that taxes are not being raised by a significant amount when in reality they are just taking the money out of your left pocket instead of our right one.

"Are franchise fees a tax? No. Franchise fees are simply the cost utility and cable providers incur for being allowed to place their facilities in the public's right-of-way. Franchise fees are considered a cost of doing business. Franchise fees are an important component of a diversified revenue stream for municipalities."

In 2010 the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass collected $295,551 in Franchise fees this number jumped to $374,288 in 2011, $569,749 in 2012 and was originally budgeted to go to $906,694 in 2013 until the huge out cry by the public. Which led to council having a change of heart and only increasing it to $682,000 for 2013.

2011 increased by $79,000
2012 increased by $196,000
2013 increased by $112,000
2010-2013 increased by $387,000

That is correct in total the “Franchise Fee” increased by $387,000 over those three years a whooping 130 % if these same dollars had been generated by increasing taxes, it would have required additional tax increases of 1.25% in 2011, 2.9% in 2012 and 1.75% in 2013.
Without the public out cry previously mentioned the Franchise Fee would have risen by another $225,000 in 2013 the equivalent of another 3.5% tax increase.

It would be very interesting to hear what position candidates for the upcoming election will take  on Franchise Fees, would they agree that they have gone up more than enough in the last three years? and commit to not increasing them for the next four years?    

Note: Cost of administration $4325 per day


Anonymous said...

This should remind us all why not to re-elect these guys this fall

Anonymous said...

If the franchise fees did not go straight into the general revenue, then the claim could be made that these are perhaps not a TAX.
But this is not so, our franchise fees go straight into our general revenue. These fees, when they rise, increase our cost of living in the Crowsnest Pass.
The disingenuous claim, by our elected councillors, that these fees must rise to get in line with other communities does not consider our already higher than average property taxes. It is only a political cover to try to argue that these are not taxes.
Instead of reducing our operational costs, as was promised in the last election, they have increased our operational costs and at the same time as they got clever with raising revenue which they claim is not a “TAX!”

Anonymous said...

These guys just don't let up. I think they just spent another $50,000 on another form of franchise.

Anonymous said...

If it goes from my pocket to the governments what you call it and how you take it really are irrelevant to me.
We pay to much tax here, franchise fees, utilities, permits, licensing does not matter we pay too much.

Anonymous said...

Keep the info coming we all need to remember why 2500 people signed the petition.

Anonymous said...

So is the new council going to get rid of franchise fees to make you all happy?

Anonymous said...

The new council will have to look at what a small community needs instead of a Mayor building his "super administrative team," and hoping rest will fall into place all by itself. We have put our trust in wrong hands.

Anonymous said...

7:21 Read the questions in the last paragraph. They are very important unless of course we enjoy being taxed to death.
Those types of questions and the answers they generate will determine who I will be voting for come Oct 21.


Anonymous said...

Like Alex I will be looking for the candidates that speak to the issues that are important to me.
2-Size of government
4-Strategic planning by the residents for the residents.