G + P Meeting Jan 11,2011
All members of council were present:
Adoption of agenda:
Councilor Saindon added item #6 to Topics for Discussion, The Crowsnest Community Support Society
Councilor Saje added item #7 to Topics for Discussion, The Crowsnest Pass Emergency Plan.
Mayor Decoux added an issue of Personnel/Legal to the In Camera session
Motion to accept the agenda as amended was passed unanimously
Delegations: None
Topics for Discussion:
1. Municipal credit card policy: After debate a Motion was made to accept the policy as presented, the motion failed with Gallant, Mitchell and Saindon in favour. Then a motion was made to refer it to the Policy Committee (January 20) and bring back to the next G+P (Jan 25), discussion followed with administration pointing out, that it would not give them sufficient time Council responded by voting unanimously to withdraw that motion. Then a motion was made to refer it to the Policy Committee to bring back to the G+P meeting of Feb 8th. This motion passed by a vote of 5-2 with Mitchell and Saindon opposed.
2. Municipal Snow Clearing/Ice Control Policy: Councilor Mitchell attempted immediately prior to debate to make a Motion to send this to the Policy Committee, Mayor Decoux asked him to withdraw to allow discussion which council voted unanimously to do. After a short debate, Councilor Mitchell again made a Motion to send it to the Policy Committee which passed unanimously.
3. Notices of Motion: Administration raised a concern about Notices of Motion being made with insufficient detail, the issue and date were being supplied to administration but no detail, makes it very hard for council to be provided with information on the issue. Motion was made to send to the Policy committee which passed by a vote of 6-1 with Councilor Saindon opposed.
4. Letter from MLA Dave Rodney asking for the community to support the Alberta get Outdoors Weekend initiative, the CAO wanted direction on how these types of requests should be handled, Motion was made to send these requests straight to council which passed unanimously.
5. Advertising Policy: After much debate about whether flyers could be used, or inserts, with Councilor Mitchell wishing to know if they filled the requirements of the MGA. A motion was made to accept the policy which was defeated by a vote of 4-3 with Gallant, Londsbury and Mitchell in favour. Then a Motion was made to send it to the Policy Committee which passed by a vote of 6-1 with Councilor Mitchell opposed.
6. Crowsnest Community Support Society wishes to haul some refuse out to the landfill, being a non profit group they requested that tipping fees be waived. Administration requested that they be allowed to do some research on this issue and bring back to council. Motion was made to allow this which passed unanimously.
7. Crowsnest Pass Emergency Plan, due to the power going off last Sunday and bringing up memories of the previous major power outage. Councilor Saje raised the concern about the communities Emergency Plan and the awareness of such plan, the CAO informed council that he has had discussion with the provincial rep who will be attending the council meeting on Feb 1st.
Motion was then made to go In Camera which passed unanimously.
Looking like three years from now we are going to have a lot of policies!
Earlier anonymous...that's pretty much what our new Mayor is about. I recall he mentioned something about 'policy' in his campaign literature. Not 'doing', but 'policy'.
This is about our Mayor.
In addition to Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Education, he earned a PhD in Policy Studies and Leadership from the University of Alberta.
PhD in Policy Studies...thus so many policies.
Sure taking a while to get that advertising policy done.
I noticed Councilor Gallant and Mayor Decoux changed sides with their votes on the Advertising Policy Motion from Jan 4th to Jan 11th. What was the difference between the Jan 4th Advertising Policy and the January 11th G&P Advertising Policy?
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