Thursday, January 27, 2011

Special Council Meeting Jan 25, 2011

Special Council Meeting Jan 25, 2011

Adoption of Agenda:
Mayor Decoux added two additional Personnel items in camera.
Motion to accept agenda as amended passed unanimously

Business arising from the Minutes:
1. 2011 Budget

CAO presented a list of changes to the budget to eliminate the need for a tax increase.

Increases of the following:
$24,000 to make a benefit clerk full time
$50,000 to demolish the Maplevue Hall
$14,538 Casual Wages Rescue

Then the following reductions
Advertising of $30,000
New rug for the office $34,200
Table + Chairs for the council chambers $7000
CCHS/Hokuto exchange $250
Thunder in the valley traffic control $500
Policing Thunder in the valley $30,000
Bellcrest Community Association $500
Coleman Community Association $1500
Casual Wages for Fire Departments
Coleman $1,800
Blairmore $8,500
Bellevue $4,100
Hillcrest $4,900
Benefits on wages for fire departments
Coleman $1,920
Blairmore $3,090
Bellevue $1,440
Hillcrest $2,055
Permanent Staff Rescue $14,538
Foothills Regional Inc $11,000
Bylaw Contracted Services $650
Public Works Casuals $11,700
Streets and Roads Casuals $24,400
Coleman Metering $7,000
Sanitary Sewer Casual $20,900
Sanitary Landfill tipping fees $41,000
Chamber of Commerce $4,800
Pool-Floor Tiling $15,000
Crowsnest Museum Grant $2,000
Allied Arts Grant $7,500
Library Grant $5,646
Archiving System $30,000
Parade Float $10,000
Hillcrest Fire department storage shed $10,000
Generator for Municipal Office $30,000
Sno-Gates $15,000

Plus Revenue from Municipal Land Sales was estimated to bring in $75,000 now increased to $125,000.

He also stated that all dollars for protective services and external organizations would be maintained at 2010 levels. In addition felt that council should meet with the ski hill and swimming pool boards to discuss there operations.

Then the following comments and questions were raised by councilors:

Emile Saindon-
Concerns about the recycling contract and why none of the revenue was coming back to the municipality, feels the contract should be renegotiated.
Take another look at the recreation programmer.
Advertising for the ski hill and an additional snow gun.
Felt that the Track Hoe could be financed by reduction of inefficiencies in the budget realized by council and administration in the next six months.

Larry Mitchell-
Money for water meters that comes out of reserves will it be put back.
CAO suggested that this program come back for further review
Concerned about no dollars going into reserves.
Feels that the Ski Hill budget should be decreased by 10% a year for the next three years.

Jerry Londsbury-
Concerned that no dollars are being placed into reserves, felt that a small increase made sense for that reason.

Brian Gallant-
Believed that the $6,000 cost for the ski hill web site was a one time cost
$9500 for a green water supply for the golf course is a concern due to them being a private business
Track Hoe needed more justification
Water Meter Funding should be paid for by a different source than reserves

Director of Public Works stated that the green water study would be paid for by the golf course to 50%. Also readdressed the reasoning for the track hoe, stated that the municipality is paying $10-13,000 a year in rental costs.

Seigbert Gail
Stated a small increase in taxes was acceptable
Concerned that there are no dollars to finish the ball/soccer complex
Increased fees for recreation needs to be looked at.
Special Tax for weekenders who own more than one home.
Also opposes water meters.

CAO stated that there needs to be a policy for reserves put in place.

Andrew Saje
Advertising needs to be shown to the public that there is a difference between advertising and public notices
Without an office generator would the municipality be prepared for an emergency
Administration should look at contracting out the archiving
Concerned about the track hoe and whether its warranted
Need to put dollars into reserve.
No allocation for the Ball/soccer complex
Administration spending increases, note a 14% increase in travel, meals and lodging, and a 53% increase in convention costs.
No dollars shown for Council’s strategic direction.
Opposed to increases in additional human resources
Spoke to several public works employees who felt that one of the present lead hands could be promoted instead of hiring.
There should be an organizational review completed before any additional staff hired.
Felt the municipality should change the way it does business before it adds more people
Should seek outside help, use consultants for professional advice a new set of eyes.
Taxpayers have expressed to him the willingness to accept a small tax increase to put money into reserves.

Felt that the budget provided dollars to invest in the present staff
Felt the organization needed to build capacity for change
Consultants could cost in the range of $3-400,000 and still not provide the additional capacity for change.
Removing the track hoe would not provide a lot of dollars for reserves as it was be payed for by borrowing, the only dollars saved would be the payment.

At this point the Mayor requested that each councilor summarize his concerns so administration could take them away and bring back answers.

Andrew Saje
Take six months for a organizational review/strategic plan prior to hiring
Look at archiving alternatives
More Info on the track hoe.

Seigbert Gail
Would like to see council vote on each major line item

Brian Gallant
Track Hoe justification and hiring additional employees

Jerry Londsbury
Concerned about the municipality having to spend a significant amount of dollars in a short period of time, due to our aging equipment fleet and facilities. Felt that those dollars will have to be provided either by building reserves or borrowing.

Larry Mitchell
Agrees with the need for the back hoe, feels that if administration requires more employees they should be provided. Feels that administration as no spare time, and council should not be micro managing.

Emile Saindon
Numerous opportunities for cutting costs
Concern with the recreation programmer
State of the present facilities

Cam Mertz requested the opportunity to address council
The agricultural services person will be covered of by grant funding
He began to speak about the full time positions for the rec programmer and the FCSS when the Mayor cut short his comments and suggested that he provide any additional information for council to the CAO.

At this point Mayor Decoux made a motion to have the Administration take back councils concerns and re address them with council at a later date.
Motion to accept passed unanimously.

Council by unanimous motion goes In Camera.

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