As I previously reported council, specifically Mayor Decoux raised several issues in regard to Rum Runner Days, and the Thunder in the Valley event, further to those comments Joni raises the isuue in the Promoter Editorial today.
In addition the Promoter provides an opportunity for the community to vote, for their opinion as to whether the weekend is benefical to the community or not, whichever side you stand on this issue here is your chance to at least vote on it.
This used to be a great weekend until the 10000 yahoos started coming in.
If you can get back to the family event yes, if you want to maintain the three day drunk No.
this weekend has a lot of benefits for local businesses and probably their most profitable time of the year. it goes without saying that the BFD benefits greatly but lets not forget that they also campaign for Muscular Dystrophy. I think it is great that so many groups work together to put on this event. The downside is the idiots that show up. As residents you still have the option to get away from it all by either leaving the community or just getting out in the bush for the day. Its only a problem if you elect yourself to get involved in the festivities.
Mr Miners Journey
Come live where I do, two blocks from the field. You would not leave your house for a night, if you have seen what I have in the last ten years.
Yes there are lots of RCMP around but when they get a call, nobody is here to protect my home.
Living in fear
I fully understand i live in coleman so i dont experience those problems but can understand your situation. this is much like the off road vehicle bylaw not a problem unless they are blaring by ones house all day. I dont have an answer for the residents there. Peter Rosner(The Miners Journey)
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