Thursday, January 27, 2011

Teck given strike notice by Steelworkers

The information below is posted on the Steelworkers web site at


UPDATE - Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 4:30pm

Talks with the Company have broken off and the Bargaining Committee has served 72 hours strike notice.

Pickets will go into place SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 2011 AT 8:00pm. Sign-up sheets for picket duty are up at the Union Hall. We are asking everyone to come to the Union Hall and sign up for picket shifts.

Committees will be set-up over the next week to deal with our current struggle, volunteers for these various committees can sign-up at the Union Hall.

We are asking everyone to get involved as much as they can during these tough times.

You can stop in from 9am-noon and 1-4pm Mon - Fri or email or call 250-425-0131.

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