Wednesday, April 7, 2010

River Run Project Crowsnest Pass (52 Acre property)

Tuesday April 6th at the council meeting the issue of the River Run project was discussed by council this is the land know as the 52 acre site in the Crowsnest Pass. The municipality never received security deposits on this property. The local residents in addition to the approximately 12000 vehicles that travel on Highway 3 everyday get to enjoy the view of a number of large piles of dirt and a large amount of exposed coal dust. We have no idea when this project will move forward but as of Tuesday night, security as been demanded by council and it will be made clear from the motion of council that no further development will proceed without that security being in place.


John Prince said...

No security deposits!!! How could this be??? I suspect that this is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to our Mayor, Administrator/Pubic Works Management Team's involvement with the 'Bridgecreek boys'. And council as a whole needs to be held accountable as well, as one would think the waiving of security deposits could not have happened without their approval (although knowing how this Mayor operates, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit that they were kept in the dark with respect to this little detail.) Why this Mayor and company deviated from this basic and standard 'due diligence' rule raises a host of questions, suspicions and accusations (never mind liabilities that the taxpayers in this municipality will most likely be on the hook for) that beg answers and accountability, which will need to be dealt with one way or another before the next election. Heads need to roll and a 'house cleaning' will a soon be a comin'... me thinks, and rightly so!

Good for you Dean and your band of merry men on council for taking prudent steps to ensure security deposits are now required and in place, as is the usual practice and custom in real estate developments. A little late but nevertheless a necessary step in the right direction to ensure no further screw ups happen with respect to the River Run, or any other, development that takes place in our municipality.

Anonymous said...


This really doesn't surprise me at all. It's typical of the way things work in CNP. Shame on those who are responsible. Can you please explain why security deposits were not received and who was the person(s) that made the decision to waive them? The residents of CNP (taxpayers) have the right to know.

This property will be an eye-sore for a long time to come and in the end will undoubtly cost Crowsnest Pass taxpayers a ton of money. Mark my words!


A very angry CNP resident & taxpayer

Anonymous said...

never mind how much it cost you what about the investors that got swindled by Bradly and your mayor maybe you should look into that too.

Anonymous said...

3 years of the river run fiasco without security deposits being required. Now that a group of investors have decided to foreclose on the river run property, council has decided to DEMAND security deposits. Something rotten in Denmark??

Anonymous said...

As a taxpayer in CNP, I am appalled that the protocols that a "normal" developer would have to follow were waived. These Bridgecrook boys have gotten special treatment from the get go. i agree that something smells like three day old fish with the timing. The investors have decided to quit believing Zinner and Bradley's circus act and have looked beneath the veneer. It was all show. Now council opts to penalize them instead of the three perpetrators (no, Becker, I didn't forget you).

I hope the taxpayers get out to the election forum this year and ask some tough questions about this debacle.

Anonymous said...

In regards to the comments two postings above. It's really too bad about the River Run investors and I truly sympathize for them. I suspect some of them have their life savings and/or retirement savings at stake. However, the difference between them and CNP taxpayers is they had a choice in investing, whereas taxpayers won't have a choice when their money is spent dealing with this mess. There will be no winners in this battle, only losers ... investors and taxpayers. I take that back - the only people who will likely come out ahead are the ones representing others in court and those at the top of the chain.

Having said all this, I hope everything will somehow work out for the investors and CNP taxpayers. I'm not holding my breath, though.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Dean for posting this. Hopefully the RCMP will get to the bottom of this (yes , they are aware).
If there has been fraud committed here, then the people behind the mess will be peeking out from the undesirable side of a set of iron it should be.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I would read lethbridge herald called dream interupted guys. This should be interesting. I wonder who the investor is that sold the property and where that enviromental report is from the government for that land?????