Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crowsnest Pass politics Mayor Irwin major annoucement.

Mayor Irwin tonight announced his intentions for the coming election.
Stated tonight because of his age and number of years of service, he will not be running for the position of Mayor, but to allow the municipality to maintain access to his wealth of knowledge he will run for the position of Councilor.
Does this really mean that he is looking to lighten his load, or his he looking to install a puppet in the Mayors position and pull the strings in the background.
If the latter is the case who's the puppet?


Anonymous said...

So Dean I am not shocked I knew Irwin would not let go of power that easily.
So first Larry, now John only two more to go.


John Prince said...

Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so!

Just goes to show ya, with Irwin, "In a real dark night of the soul it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day."

He just can't let go even when the writing is on the wall. The acts of a desperate man who won't admit his time is up and that his legacy is one of failure and disappointment, both for him and this community.

We don't need more Irwin... that's the last thing this community needs, right now. Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

The puppet is Gary Taje!

Anonymous said...

Irwin as councilor, thats funny.My guess is that at the last moment he has a change of heart and runs for Mayor.This will happen if both Ward and Prince run for mayor.As a matter of opinion, if Prince and Ward both run for Mayor, and Irwin has a puppet run for Mayor he wins.Vote splitting is the worst possible thing that can happen.Dean I am hoping you run for council and not mayor, as I know Prince will not step aside.I am not saying Prince is better for the job, I am just afraid of vote splitting.Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I question the man's sanity.

Anonymous said...

The question is not who John Irwin will install as a puppet but to whose strings some of our current councilors have been dancing. Business after business is closing, almost 1/3 of the Pass is up for sale & all we have had is a quorum of 4 blocking anything not to their interest (anyone want to buy a free bridge?).
Tell us , Mr. Prince, have you finished your anger management classes yet? At least John Irwin has never created a public spectacle of himself!!

John Prince said...

Anon @12:26
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."

No wonder you signed your post Anonymous. I too would not want people to know who I am, especially after showing how wrong I was on 'everything' I just said.

1. Our community's problems have been long in the making and the gang of four's recent tenure is not the common denominator here. But we all know who is... except you, apparently?

2. The bridge issue dealt with ‘design work’ and not the building of one.

3. You are picking on the wrong John as far as our ongoing 'public spectacle' is concerned. Unfortunately, our community has been a laughing stock for years, most of which I have not been on council.

Next time, "Get the facts, or the facts will get you. And when you get them, get them right, or they will get you wrong."

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

The question is not who John Irwin will install as a puppet but to whose strings some of our current councilors have been dancing. Business after business is closing, almost 1/3 of the Pass is up for sale & all we have had is a quorum of 4 blocking anything not to their interest (anyone want to buy a free bridge?).
Tell us , Mr. Prince, have you finished your anger management classes yet? At least John Irwin has never created a public spectacle of himself!!

August 30, 2010 12:26 PM

To this comment above first of all it proves I sure don't just post the comments friendly to me.

Second I bet if you gave me three gusses as to who wrote this I probably would not have to use them all.

We can rehash which businesses are closing due to council decisions for the rest of our lifes. Have you not heard of the "recession".
Here's a little test tell me which communities outside of the oil patch in rural Canada are doing that well.

The "free bridge" Gord Lundy stated three times that night at the meeting we were not getting a bridge. We were getting the engineering on a bridge. But I guess you would not call the CAO 562 8838 and ask him if thats correct because the truth does not work for you, does it?

The issue of four councillors voting together, in the history of the Municipality of the Crowsnest Pass that's unusal? go read the corporate reviews available on the municipal website, they talk about votes being coordinated involving the Mayor back in 1999, but you probably won't read that because you don't want to believe that neither.
For six terms John Irwin was in control no problem in your mind right look at the success we enjoyed under his rule.
He stated two elections ago in one of the local papers "he wanted to see which councilors were running so he would know what symphony he would be conducting"
Never once did I hear the media or any of Irwins gang complain when he was in control.

As far as Mr Prince's anger, I was never apart of those council meetings, so its hard for me to comment.
But what I do know is I have sat on various committees for twenty years and now council for six years. I learnt a long time ago that the behaviour of those committees should be controlled by the Chair (Mayor) so who's really to blame.
Also having the experience of sitting on a council where you had a councilor that would attempt to goat other councilors into a fight at every opportunity. The Mayor had the power to put a stop to that crap and did not use it, Why? Maybe you can answer if the Mayor was so good why did he tolerate that.

Then your last comment "At least John Irwin has never created a public spectacle of himself!!"

You really believe this, do you know how embarrassed I was when a car full of councilors from Pincher Creek pulled up at a meeting all laughing, when I proceeded to ask them what was so funny they stated we just drove by your Mayors house.
Do you know how many times our Mayor as fell asleep at a meeting, no thats not embarrasing.