Well taxes are not going up as much as we were led to believe at the first reading of the 2011 millrate.
As I pointed out in a previous post there was an avenue available to council to decrease the impact of the ASFF and the Seniors requisition.
The new positions that this Council felt were very necessary and saw fit to approve, based on the fact that none of those positions have been filled yet it produced some spare dollars in the budget. Which I had argued should be used to offset the additional taxation burdens placed on our residents.
On Tuesday night the majority of council partially agreed by using those budgetted dollars to offset the increased requirements of the senior board.
Councilor Saindon brought forth a motion to have the $100,000 capital requisition for the York Creek lodge and the $18,454 taken out of the operational budget, instead of increasing the tax burden on the residents.
He used my same arguement that there should be dollars available in the budget from the jobs not being filled yet.
Surprisingly despite there being no disagreement to that statement by administration or any of council, three members of council voted against it (Mayor Decoux, Councilors Londsbury and Mitchell) the question that only they can answer is why?
What happened with the spring cleanup?
The way these guys play with numbers they should be running in the Federal Election.
Can you make it simple for us? tell us how much they are taking off us this year and how it compares to last year.
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