Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New CAO announced in the Crowsnest Pass

Tonight prior to the start of the Council Meeting Mayor Decoux announced that Myron Thompson Director of Public Works accepted the position of CAO.

More to follow.


Anonymous said...

Strange they didn't inform the employees prior to telling the public.

What happened to building the relationship between the dream team and the people that make it happen on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

So it took nine months to find this new CAO. All they had to do was look downstairs in the Public Works Department.

Can't wait to be swimming in our new Indoor Pool.


Anonymous said...

Tully Clifford left in June, Matt. By my calculations that means five months, not nine.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected so it took five months to go down stairs.


peter rosner said...

Matt your reply is hilarious and sad but true--- only in the CrowsnestPass

Anonymous said...

considering they announced filling his old position over a week ago this isn't much of a surprise.

Anonymous said...


You really think its that straight forward?
Well first of all Mr. Robert Schulz accepted the position of Manager of Operational Services.
Myron Thompson was the Director of Operations.
Pretty straight forward right?
Well look at the titles, administration was seeking a Public Works Foreman prior to Mr Tully leaving. Mr Schulz was not named a department head he is one step above being a Leadhand.
It gets even better we were told three weeks ago that another individual was taking the position commencing on Oct 17, he failed to show up.
So I guess they went with there second choice.
Then we get told that we are having a big luncheon next Wednesday to fill us in on all the organizational changes prior to the public meeting. Wednesday morning I find out that the world was told we have a new CAO a week prior to the luncheon. Why waste our time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:25 said:
"It gets even better we were told three weeks ago that another individual was taking the position commencing on Oct 17, he failed to show up."

Which position are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Peter's comment. :-)


Anonymous said...

They annouced consolidation of the Blairmore/Coleman shops back on July 26 still not taken place.
Tomorrow night they are going to annouce wonderful things that will take how long to implement?
