Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Up date on Russell Farmer Interviews with Municipal employees

I hear today that representatives from Russell farmer met with employees from the municipality.
Unfortunately the employees were given very little notice and also met in groups.
That can be a very intimidating setting, depending on the make up of the groups but for any employee that would like a one on one with Russell Farmer they can contact them at the following number and email address, plus they will meet you somewhere other than municipal property

After April the 18th they will not be conducting more one on one interviews in the Pass but they are more than willing to talk to anybody that wishes to provide input just contact them at the phone number or email below leave a message and they will get back to you.

Cell: 403-966-7259

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Municipal employees should have an opportunity to see the investigator one on one without anyone knowing who is seeing him and what they are talking about. Russell Farmer has been doing this kind of work for a long time and everyone should be confident there is confidentiality to all the interviews. This is the whole point of having a review like this and the municipal employees are key to this process.