Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Crowsnest Pass Logo/brand (Love it or hate it you decide)

Want to provide your input on the municipal logo go to the following address you can comment on the municipal website http://www.crowsnestpass.com/media-center/news-blog/post/municipal-brand-public-input-survey  or there will be a survey in your utility bill that can be filled out and dropped of at the locations listed.


Anonymous said...

We did decide, back when this was all on the table the first time around. What a colossal waste of time.

Anonymous said...

"WE" decided who was "WE"

Bruce and his gang decided not "WE" I will voice my opinion now. That we have people that are at least prepared to listen.

Anonymous said...

I think we should just leave well enough alone.
The money's been spent, the logo is colorful and many people (both locals and tourists) have commented positively to the new design.
Instead of spending even MORE money, let's move forward onto something more important. Something that will bring people TO the Pass, rather than THROUGH it on the way to Fernie.

Anonymous said...

The survey is not a big deal. You can fill it out you can ignore it, you choose. But please Dean "DO NOT"spend any more money on this absolute abomination of a brand. I use the words again just to be clear "DO NOT WASTE ANY MORE OF MY MONEY"