It appears the $521,174 MSI funding we received in March was just an advance on the 2015 funding. If you add the total back in to this years total we will receive $2,198,759 about $39,000 less than 2014.
MSI Capital Component $1,197,745
BMTG Component $333,900
Sub Total $1,531,645
Operating funding $145,940
Total MSI Funding $1,677,585
MSI Capital Component $1,771,588
BMTG Component $333,900
Sub Total $2,105,488
Operating Funding $131,924
Total MSI Funding $2,237,412
"it appears"
Don't you people as council know how much monies are incoming over a certain period. Or is it just day to day....
The MSI funding that was received early in March was not scheduled. The Province decided to throw out an addition $390 million in MSI funding to all municipalities in the province. At that time the province did not tell us or anybody else if this was "new" money or just early payment on 2015 funding.
On the 26th we got our answer the province had seen fit to provide an addition $390 million in 2014-15 MSI money, then turned around in the 2015-2016 fiscal year and reduced the MSI funding by $380 million, a virtual wash.
So yes 6:58 when you are receiving funding from another level of government there are times where it can be "day to day"
good question
good answer
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