Thursday, April 16, 2015

Crowsnest Pass council opposes transmission line

Crowsnest Pass council opposes transmission line

Great article on the Crowsnest Council's position on the Altalink line.


Anonymous said...

Great job on this one. Keep up the good work. I hope the whole community will stand up and fight to make sure that we do not get stuck with eyesore.

Anonymous said...

We need to be very cautious I get the feeling that some people are attempting to split our community. On one hand speaking to the extra tax base that will be generated. The temporary economic spin off that will be created during the construction phase. For what? travel along highway 3 by Pincher Creek, see what these monsters look like.
You bet I live in Bellevue, you bet I am saying not in my backyard. To all those proponents of this power line think what could be coming to your backyard???
If I get stuck with this line do you know how much sympathy I will have for you when it's your turn.

Anonymous said...

Well written letter and position taken. The line will be built and it best be along the eastern part of the Livingstone Range. Let's face it, they have maxed out the wind turbines in the Pincher/Cowley area with present ones and those planned.

No one said that the only eyesore would be only the turbines, it's the infrastructure to get the power to market that's the eyesore. They have their eyes set on the area up to and beyond the Gap for new turbines. If its good enough to blow 18 wheelers over, it's good enough for wind turbines.

The push on renewable energy like wind is there politically. Edmonton is second in Canada for pollution due to the coal power plants upwind, and these have to be replaced. Economically, the likes of Warren Buffet who will be guaranteed high power rates (which we pay for regardless) will not be stopped as they make us the "drawers of power" for our Southern
Neighbors. Follow the money........