Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crowsnest Pass Council Meeting November 16, 2010.

Councilors Gallant and Saindon were not present both away at the AADMC Convention in Edmonton

Mayor Decoux started the meeting by welcoming new CAO Tully Clifford to the Crowsnest Pass.
In addition he commended Myron Thompson and his Public Works crew for the job they did preparing for the Christmas Parade on November 12th

Adoption of Agenda
Motion to accept as presented passed Unanimously

Adoption of previous minutes
Motion to accept as presented passed Unanimously

Delegations None

Administration Report
At this point Mayor Decoux had new CAO Tully Clifford present himself to Council.
He then handed over the Admin presentation to Myron Thompson to talk about the Health and Safety External audit which is done every three years, good news unlike three years ago we passed the audit by 82%
Motion to accept the report passed Unanimously

Business Arising None

Committee Reports
Minutes from FCSS for Sept 22 meeting
Minutes from Protective Services Sept 20 meeting
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

Bylaws None

Notice Of Motion
1/Mayor Decoux proposes to bring forth a Motion regarding the Land and Building containing the Crowsnest Centre (April 5,2011)

2/Mayor Decoux proposes to bring forth a Motion regarding the property known as "River Run"(April 19,2011)

3/Mayor Decoux proposes to bring forth a Motion regarding the area of the Cuff Report that talks about the duplication of services and facilities in the Crowsnest Pass (May 3,2011)

Mayor Decoux also informed the crowd gathered that this Motion were timed to correspond with the release of the report being put together by his Economic Task Force.

Other Business
1/ Waiving of ice fees for Pee Wee Tournament
Note: This now sends the request for waiver back to the Culture and Rec Board, to suggest that there is any likely hood that the board would vote against council's wish chances are slim.
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

2/ Municipal Advertising Council did not realize that the deal with the Promoter was exclusive until 3:30pm November 16. The Mayor moved to table this until the next meeting to give Administration time to look at the legal side of this issue.
Motion to table passed Unanimously

3/Dates for Orientation with Administration
Nov 30 and Dec 1 Motion to accept passed Unanimously

4/Travel Alberta Open House
Motion to send Councilor Gallant to on Nov 22 passed Unanimously

5/Date for tour with Spray Lakes Saw Mills
Motion to accept Dec 17 passed Unanimously

6/Council Retreat Dec 8
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

7/Ball Soccer Complex-Outstanding bill owned to Drain Brothers
Motion to pay $10,000 out of 2010 operational budget and $15,871 out of 2011 operational budget passed Unanimously

8/Waving of Off site Levy for Food Bank
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

9/Request to lease Road Allowance-Crowsnest Mountain Resort
Administration made a recommendation to not do this, Motion made to accept that recommendation passed Unanimously

10/Brighter Futures Multi Year Lease
Three year lease last tenant at the MDM to go through this process, now all tenants are on a three year lease with one fixed rate for all groups and a 3% increase each year of the lease.
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

11/Signing Authority-CAO, Director of Finance and all members of council given signing authority for the Municipality. Motion to accept passed Unanimously

12/Councilor Absence-Saindon will miss the Dec 14 meeting
Motion to accept passed Unanimously

13/Council appointments to the Culture and Rec Board
Motion to accept Sarah Gallant to the Board passed Unanimously
Motion to accept Janis Entem to the Board passed Unanimously

14/Council appointments to the Municipal Heritage Board
Motion to accept Barbara McClary to the Board passed Unanimously

15/Cancellation of the November 23 G + P meeting-Five Councilors away at AUMA convention, Motion to accept cancellation passed Unanimously

Council Member Reports
Councilor Sage spoke about a meeting he attended with the South west Rockies group, suggested that they need to be more aware of the Crowsnest in their promoting of area tourism and also suggested that Crowsnest Businesses can advertise on their web site.
Councilor Londsbury recommended that the Mayor should write a letter to all the legions commending them for the great job they do on Remembrance Services
Mayor Decoux spoke about the excellent job all the legions do, and suggested that the Municipality attempt to put together the paperwork to allow a fly by, by the Canadian Snowbirds this summer

Public Input
Siegfried Sajitz (excuse spelling if I got it wrong)
Took the floor to raise his concerns about the Municipalities direction on advertising, he asked council if this was an effective spending of the taxpayers dollars, he asked if the numbers presented by the Herald had been confirmed by administration. He also asked if there had ever been any complaints from the public about not being able to access Municipal Advertising. He also questioned the wisdom of telling both papers that you will advertise in both, then telling your administration to go bargain with them for the best possible deal.
He asked council to stick with the present policy and give it to the lowest bidder.

In Camera-None

Motion to adjourn passed Unanimously


Anonymous said...

I am confused about these motions by the Mayor.Is this normal to say I am going to bring up a motion 6 months from now.Why would he not wait until his task force has completed there job and then present his motions.What if his task force comes up with differant ideas than what he is thinking for his motions,or is it all fixed.
Is this to stop the other councillors from bringing up their own motions on these topics, as we all wait for the Mayors motion.I am hoping those 6 councillors are not afraid of being leaders.
Why do I have such a bad feling about this.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the task force will recommend that the old hospital should be turned into a community centre/hostel that will pay for itself in five years.
The River Run could be the site for a Ramada hotel with the largest water park in southern alberta, in addition a very fancy residential area with affordable housing.
Duplication of facilities will be solved by moving the Macs store, Tim Hortons to the lakes. Then placing all the town shops, fire depts, Seniors halls, arenas on the Macs/Tim Hortons site so they would be next to our community Center.