The jobs just keep coming, the municipality is now looking for a Community peace Officer amongst many other available positions. I hope this means one of our present officers is leaving, not that the municipality is increasing to three peace officers.
Any way there sure are a lot of opportunities with the municipality check it out at the following address:
The Peace officers have to do snow removal too! Wow!
The consultant hired to set up the peace officer program should have explained to our council the additional training and equipment costs associated with the entry level revolving door structure they built the CNP.
Anon 11:07
From your comment I am assuming that you mean that our municipality is being used to give freshly trained Peace Officers some experience, before they are sent off to bigger (and a little bit more ?challenging?) areas? Or, did I interpret your comment incorrectly?
"Seasonal Weed & Pest Inspector'
Is that different from "Agricultural Fieldperson"?
Has Kim left for greener pastures (needing blueweed eradication)?
With the staff increase within the Administration building over the past 2+ years, what has been the hiring pattern for the "outside" staff roster? If the tilt has been towards the inside jobs? Are there now more temporary outside jobs caused by inside job hiring? Are we taxpayers getting the promised services throughout the CNP?
06:14:00 PM 2013 This is exactly how this program will run. Can we afford to be a training ground of this type? We are a community with very limited resources and not much crime. How much does it cost to set up one of these officers in business, and send them to all the relevant courses, etc.? Is this the best way to spend money? Seems that enforcing traffic rules on the hwy. is their number one task; don’t we have police and provincial sheriffs to do this? This whole thing became very convoluted and far from what was promised.
I like how they say that "Fire Fighting experience" would be considered an asset! Really!
For what it's worth (and I'm thinking it's not much) I guess we get brownie points from the Province for helping them to police the highway! Hopefully, they throw a little extra grant money our way!
Off topic - Yesterday was the last day on the contract for them to announce the name of the new hotel.Has there been an extension given? If yes, would it have to have been voted on by council? If no, is the deal dead?
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