Friday, May 24, 2013

Crowsnest Pass Entrance Signs, Money well spent?

Well folks what you have below is the drawings for your new community entrance signs. 
This will cost us $200,000 for the two signs one in the East and one in the West. The politicians will argue that this is being paid for out of grant funding (MSI Capital) which is true but keep in mind that the community receives MSI funding from the province for both their capital and operational budgets. If the money is spent on a project like this then it obviously means that it is not being spent on some other project. 
There is never enough money available to pay for every project so then the question becomes is this project a priority? which would then make it the best use for those grant dollars. Are we has a community getting the best value for those grant dollars, would this be the public's choice for our communities gateway sign age?


John Prince said...

Without getting into the pros or cons my one recommendation/suggestion, as which was made by Community Futures some time ago, is that we remove the word 'Pass' from the signage as that indicates something to get beyond, to get past, to go through and get away from. And instead, go simply with 'Crowsnest' which actually indicates a location, a place, a destination, somewhere to get to or to have come from.

Just my thoughts...


Anonymous said...

100,000/sign. I talked to a local house builder and was told he could build me a pretty nice house for about 200/sq.ft. So I could have a 500 sq. ft. house with a full concrete basement for the same cost as 1 sign. Why are we getting gouged so bad? Why is it so easy for government to waste my money? Does anyone out there think there is more than 20,000$ in material involved to build 1 sign?Labour, if you had 3 guys working 40 hours/week for 4 weeks at 50$/hour/each to build 1 sign their cost would be 24,000$.Making the total 44,000$.And I think that both labour and material in this example are both high. How do I bid on this job? Who do I pay the kickback to?

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for a digital/customizable sign where we could welcome visitors and announce local events to get visitors to stop in our community.

If that is a all we get for 200k, stop payment on that cheque!

Anonymous said...

Another expensive lame brain venture from the brain dead in this no nothing administration. All they know is how to feather someone elses nest with our money. Where there any tenders put out on this signage was there any input from the public. Who was hired to make these signs?????

Anonymous said...

... seems not unlike someone who needs groceries badly so someone gives them $100. That person immediately turns around and spends it on booze and cigarettes with the justification that 'it was free'.

Anonymous said...

Just more and the same from the re-branding fiasco. Perhaps they will greet visitors with wine and cheese as they enter "The Pass."

Chloe said...

I wonder who gets this job? Family, friends, old teaching pal? CNP you have been had once again. There is no public input, there are no active councillors just a CAO and the Mayor making decisions. But oh, on the bright side, the CAO and Mayor have hired an EDO. Gee, wonder what she has a degree in from U of Lethbridge.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing what you can get for has little as $200,000.
Thank goodness they are wasting our provincial tax dollars not our municipal tax dollars.


Anonymous said...

I notice it says option 2. I wonder what was option 1?

peter rosner said...

we have been taken over by aliens---these are strange times indeed here in what was the great community of the Crowsnest Pass.

Anonymous said...

This money could have been better spent working on the pot holes. They raised taxes by about the same amount.

Anonymous said...

We need new entrance signs.I think this entrance sign look nice, but do not think this council should do it. With the “vocal majority” being unhappy, I think it is nothing short of arrogant on councils part to proceed with spending this kind of money on something that will very likely be thrown out with them.
I would not be opposed to the new council doing up a new brand that better represents us. I think our new brand is pretty, but it does not matter if one sees: pyramids, tee- pees or triangles,: none of them represent Crowsnest Pass. We have an incredible mountain that is very distinct. (Crowsnest Mountain/Seven Sisters.) Lets use it, and loose the fancy font and definitely have a stronger slogan than, Magically Delicious or whatever it is those swirly letters at the bottom say.If they push these signs through, it will be hard for next council to justify spending the money to undo it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they are bringing some class to this community. Word on the street is that they are being built out of marble.
Anybody else hear that?


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing this is the design company.

Anonymous said...

Once Bruce gets us the $200,000 a year from Ranchlands we could do these kind of projects every year.
Looking ahead to a community that has been branded!

Anonymous said...

It's naturally rewarding to whoever gets this contract.

Anonymous said...

Sparwood should pay for our west entrance sign and Pincher Creek should pay for our east entrance sign. It is the neighborly thing to do. We’ll give Ranch Lands a free ride on our signs. Your welcome Ranch Lands.(I am being sarcastic)

Anonymous said...

To Peter Rosner:
Still a great community.

Anonymous said...

Read in the Nanton News last week Ranchlands is looking to put together a branding party for our Council. Very neighborly.

Anonymous said...

Should say a short good-by to the aliens in October and no problem. Rancheland should have them branded, so we can let them loose.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To Anon 12:17 No we are not a great community anymore, we are a dying community . The mare and administration are the funeral directers. They have made sure that we are a time of the past. Thank you De COOKOO. You have served your masters well.

Anonymous said...

The same ranters go from both blogs, bla bla bla. The same person makes the same comments over and over, you can tell. Ridiculous. When I read things that are in caps, can't spell, no grammar involved; they are telling me about my community, ha ha.

Peter Rosner said...

Just getting a little feedback with my previous comment there. Anon 12:17 is right its still a great community that has briefly been steered in the wrong direction. There is a lot to be thankfull for here but we are going to have to put a lot of thought into what we want and where we should be taking this community. It is a job that is too big for this or the next council. We have lots of good people here that are proud of this community and no just using it for political purposes. Somehow we have to tap into that and use their life experience as well to help move this community forward.

Anonymous said...

Two things nobody is talking about, the $27k on the web site and the new hotel wasn't the deadline the end of March then the end of April now the end of May. Will this deadline be real or will the Mayor come out and blame the ratepayers and their petition for holding things up.

Anonymous said...

I like the sign. Have to agree that maybe it's time to remove "Pass" from our name

Anonymous said...

Everytime I read about the hundreds of thousands of tax payers dollars being spent (provincial or municipal tax dollars) I immediately become nauseous and my blood pressure climbs. The 7 peaks represent 7 dunce caps that fit the council and mayor and the emblem shows nothing of our heritage. At least Crowsnest Mountain and the seven sisters are unique and cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Work on what we have other than on some one else's pipe dream and as has been mentioned will be thrown out with the next council. Made out of marble you say...that remains to be seen!

Anonymous said...

anon 7:37 Why not comment on the issue. Do you agree with the signs, the amount of money being spent?If yes, explain to us all how this is a great deal for the CNP.
Also, other than our political situation, the CNP is a great place to live.

Anonymous said...

Crowsnest is an awesome place to live. Some people commenting on these blogs are from Ontario and I don't understand that at all. What would they know. Everywhere snags happen. Dean, I wish you would quit posting comments from people that can't put a sentence together!

Anonymous said...

we don't need highway "monuments", everyone knows what monuments are for.

marble and triangles are so last century and they don't say anything about the community.

we need something that the "iphone" generation will notice and tweet about it.

it's the 21st century folks, time to start thinking outside the box and towards the future

Anonymous said...

They took $100,000 out from senior housing. The $200,000 in grant money can be put to better use. Seven dunce caps is right on the money!

Anonymous said...

I've never had a better feeling for a place because it has a nice entrance sign. Nor have I ever seen a place throw away the BEST NATURAL SCENE to use as a Brand. There is such a scramble by this Administration to disconnect from the past in the Crowsnest yet they support the costly saving, restoration and historical designation of eyesores and dilapidated buildings that no one will miss.

Doomsayer said...

Has anyone noticed when you Google land(architecture)studio, you get a listing for but when you click on that all you get is a website under construction with just an address & phone numbers?

Just what kind of a rinky-dink outfit did our council hire to set the tone for our community & how much of our taxpayer's dollars have gone to this outfit?

Anonymous said...

This is a provincial grant and it can be allocated to a more worthwhile project. If they felt a need to remove $100,000.00 from the Senior Housing, then we can’t be too flush with money. Who is setting priorities at that office?

Anonymous said...

It's been under construction since 2007.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have fireworks, and a bowling alley. Call me selfish!