Property Assessments
I'm sure by now almost everybody has received their Property Assessments if your fine with what you received no problem. But if your not, do a little research call some of the local realtor's ask if the values of properties similar to yours have gone up or down. Look around you we have a number of situations in the Crowsnest Pass where people have seen a reduction on their assessed values due to where they live, plus if your living next door to an eye sore that will affect your values. If you feel your concerns are valid contact the Municipality 562-8833 and ask to speak to the Assessor. (Glen Snelgrove who I have found over the years to be very reasonable to talk to.) I have spoke to so many people over the years that may have had a valid concern but they did not call, remember just because you call does not mean you will be in the appeal process, Mr Snelgrove usually resolves 95% of these issues prior to an appeal.
Municipal Inspection
The Inspection is still ongoing it's not to late to speak up, if you wish to add your comments or concerns pick up the phone and call Cell: 403-966-7259 or email @
Here are the assessment rolls (PDF):
Last year's:
and some maps:
"A taxpayer has the right to receive or see all assessment-related information about their own property. Section 299 of the Municipal Government Act entitles you to see or receive sufficient information to show how the assessor prepared the assessment of your property, including;
... "
Well I was reading today that the Ratepayers (Bill) said he thinks the taxes are going pretty well and fair. They don't seem to have any concerns. I am kind of wondering what they are doing now. Sometimes everything is all over the map.
I am not sure values are affected by eyesores around you. That is something you have no control over, and should not even be considered. Maybe that is where the by-laws come in where things are getting cleaned up. All good I guess. So, yeah for by-law officers cleaning up. I have seen quite a few areas cleaned up since this all started.Not sure why people ever thought they could let their houses deteroriate. That goes against human nature.
To the last comment 12:16 you really think having a shack next door to you does not have a negative affect on the value of your home? talk to people that have been in that situation.
Well, some places in Calgary have shacks and awful houses next to them and it does not diminish their value. Lots of drug houses and labs right next door to people and shabby houses sometimes, just like everywhere. And again, bylaws should not allow it.
Information on the Municipal website mentions Assessment Appeal Forms will be available for download from their website. The deadline for appeals is June 28th. I wonder when the forms will be made available? Unless I missed it, I couldn’t see where these forms can be downloaded. Also, how does the appeal process work? Who is responsible for reviewing them and making whatever decisions?
It seems that someone using this blog always relates any of our problems or solutions to the same ones in Calgary. Get real. This is a small community who can or cannot handle their problems without being subjected to comparison to a city of over a million people, where all areas are populated, dilapidated or dead beat so don't compare us to what's happening in Calgary.
I know that Glen Snelgrove has reduced assessments due to eyesores. I wonder if you would find that in writing in the "sufficient information to show how the assessor prepared the assessment of your property" referred to in the first comment above.
If anyone has asked for this info, please let us know how it went.
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