Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Silly season officially begins.......

In another distinguished example of making friends 101, after a couple of absences the latest Mayor's Corner is out. We the residents of the Crowsnest Pass have now been blessed with an addition to our vocabulary of the word "CAVE'rs". We owe his worship a ton of gratitude for en-lighting us.  

Mayor's Corner  
This has been a different Spring. Let us hope summer is a little more predictable. We are however, entering another season which is very unpredictable. It usually starts about this time and ends immediately after the October election. Government bureaucrats often refer to it as “the silly season” that is, when politicians begin to appear everywhere making all kinds of promises (usually outlandish) and begin to pay close attention to people, groups and organizations they had previously ignored. Like other species on this planet they often resort to “eating their own” that is, their political colleagues. Most will resort to self-aggrandizement speaking at great length at any opportunity to confirm their concern and prowess regarding community affairs as well as their grasp of municipal governance. Human nature is indeed fascinating. I gave our Council a “heads up” about the silly season a few months ago advising them that people in the Pass could sniff out such antics in short order. I leave it to the reader to assess if any of your local politicians or “wannabees” fall victim to “the silly season”.
I don’t think this Council has to come up with a show of new promises – it’s all there in the Strategic Plan, a plan that can be adjusted on an ongoing basis depending on context and timing. No doubt we will be treated in the upcoming months to the overtures and exhortations of has-beens, want to be’s, regressives (back to the good old days) and progressives of various sorts. I am sure we will have a slate of candidates fuelled by our local CAVE’rs as well.
There are those who would suggest we are in a “political mess”. Not so. We are in a period of “change” which was what you demanded and what your Council is delivering. Decades of a no-change, beg the government for funding, drive business away through the lack of a policy-driven municipal government, is all falling by the wayside and to some this is uncomfortable. 
Such “change” will ultimately benefit the majority of people in our community: the seniors, the young, the business people, the newcomers, and the “little guy” on the street. Unfortunately our traditional “old boys clubs”, and others simply don’t understand it and continue to maintain their sense of entitlement and backroom control of our future.
Enough of politics and on to other topics. Last week I kept my promise and announced on the radio, as soon as I knew, that our new hotel will be a Best Western. Final approval should be given between the 13th to 18th of this month. If it is not approved by the Best Western Board of Governors we will move to the Holiday Inn group. Regardless things are on time and we should see demolition activity late this summer.
The Riversdale group is still flying in groups of investors and the company should be “going public” in the next few months. We are awaiting the arrival of its first administrator from Seattle once his work visa etc. is processed.
As recommended in the Mayor’s Task Force on the Economy, and then in our Strategic Plan, an Economic Development officer has been hired. I wanted to see this person hired early last year however many issues transpired and we were unable to get it done. Regardless she will begin her duties towards the end of the month. A press release will provide accurate details. However she is originally from Southern Alberta, a graduate of the University of Lethbridge, has extensive experience and was looking for an opportunity to “come home”.  My thanks to our Economic Development Committee for their patience over the past several months. Your patience will be rewarded.
This is the last person to be hired in our restructured administrative team, a team of well trained professionals who work for our betterment. I previously indicated we needed to change “the way we do business” and this team, now complete, will continue to do just that. Good things will come of this.
There is a hustle and bustle in the Pass we have not seen for some time: new people, new construction, new businesses opened and soon to be opened, inquiries regarding a second hotel, inquiries over a truck stop, interest in a large development in Coleman. It’s taken many months but it’s starting to happen.
“You can’t create a future by clinging to the past.”
*CAVE’rs – “citizens against virtually everything”
entitlement – the state of being entitled, the right to guaranteed benefits under a government program.

NOTE: Check out the story in this week's Promoter by Joni MacFarlane

CAO briefing meetings defended


Anonymous said...

So other than the current council everyone else who decides to run for council will fall into one of these categories.
"has-beens, want to be’s, regressives (back to the good old days) and progressives of various sorts. I am sure we will have a slate of candidates fuelled by our local CAVE’rs as well".
Also, we are booming. Best western for sure unless they say no,then Holiday inn.And maybe another hotel also.People moving in, businesses starting, buildings going up.
How did I miss it all.thanks to the Mare for letting me know that we are booming or will boom in the near future.I guess I better vote for the current council to keep the momentum going.
Seriously though, does he really think we are all that dumb.And should he actually be allowed to use the mare report to try and win some votes and do a little mudslinging at the same time.I can not stand this council.4 months!!

Anonymous said...

Boy you folks down in the Pass are screwed, am I ever glad I left.

Anonymous said...

I think the mayor has it wrong.
It means "COUNCILORS agains virtually everything".
Against regular town hall meetings

Maybe readers can add to this list as to every item the mayor and council have opposed. Silly man must be forgetful.

Anonymous said...

The Pass is wonderful. S--- goes on everywhere. No escaping it.
I kind of like the CAVE thing though. I think he is kind of right on that one.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor's Corner is the first word in the silly season. It' clear the man has an "entitled" frame of mind. The number one accomplishment of the current council is to get us under a municipal review. The second accomplishment is to create a sense of general apathy among our various volunteer groups. It's impossible to decide what is their third best accomplishment, maybe someone can think of something. Seems the Strategic Plan has replaced reasonable debate among councilors, and if there is any debate, it takes place in secret. Too bad the Mayor has thrown our council into a cave with no light.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think the guy is a whack job.

Anonymous said...

How does he come up with this stuff.
"I am the best thing to ever happen to the Crowsnest Pass. Do not worry about putting your name forward myself and my humble Councillors will lead you people to the promised land.
You may have stumbled in the wasteland for the last thirty years. But we are here now, step aside you CAVE'rs let us show you what is best for you.
Opposition is totally futile the silent majority shall raise up and cast aside you CAVE'rs.
October really will be a time for the taxpayers of the Crowsnest Pass to get a "GRIP"

GRIP-Get Rid of Incumbent Politicians.

Anybody have any idea how much this monthly campaign letter is costing us silly saps?

Anonymous said...

Would someone please tell me what new businesses have opened up?

Anonymous said...

If "booming" means a significant drop in property values, to be followed by even more reduction in the lot values, then I guess the Mayor is correct. BOOM went the tax base. Like all politicians who appear to become enveloped in their little bubble, the Mayor appears to be in full denial. Perhaps he is being uplifted by "yes people" and perhaps there is that illusion all Silent Majority". Or perhaps he is adding some medicinal to his Cool Aid. A mystery indeed.

Anonymous said...

The Bamboo Bistro and Black Rock pizza are moving to the old Bridgegate building. The wool shop moved from Coleman to Blairmore.
There is also a rumour that we are getting a new hotel and coal mine.

Anonymous said...

Our council is in a dark cave deprived of real information. No debate and no accountability to anyone. They can be best described as cave dwellers. The Mayor and his CAVERS.

Anonymous said...

I was one of Bruces silent majority until this appeared amongst my emails.
No more I am done.

Anonymous said...

Is there a person or a group left in the CNP who was left alone and not offended needlessly by this Council? Doesn't anyone on Council realize the Mayor is speaking on their behalf?

Anonymous said...

This Mayor got it almost right I agree with the CAVE just one word needs to be changed.
Council Against Virtually Everything now get back in your CAVE.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Embarrassing language in the Mayor’s Corner this week.

Anonymous said...

"Most will resort to self-aggrandizement speaking at great length at any opportunity to confirm their concern and prowess regarding community affairs as well as their grasp of municipal governance."

1. To increase the scope of; extend.
2. To make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation.
3. To make appear greater; exaggerate

Like how Bruce brought Riversdale to MD Ranchland all by himself (but had nothing to do with Devon or Fields leaving, of course).

"speaking at great length at any opportunity"


Anonymous said...

To Anonymous
Wed May 15, 04:29:00 PM 2013

Welcome to the visible MAJORITY.

And I agree with the "whack-job" comment. LOL

I think the Inspectors would like to see this edition of Mayor's Corner. Inappropriate use of public monies perhaps even illegal.

Anonymous said...

I quote the Pass Promoter:

"These meetings, he told The Promoter, are not open to the public nor are they recorded."
“The purpose of the CAO Briefing is to provide council a heads up and/or update on key matters of importance that will be coming to Council at a later date so they are hearing the information in a timely manner and not second hand on the street,” said Thompson. “This briefing consists of me providing an overview of issues including their genesis and current status as well as next steps. I do not seek input, direction nor do we develop strategy.”

So the magnificent seven sit in the room while Myron gives them a little update on what's happening.

With no discussion, input, or development of strategy. Next you will be trying to tell me that the Crowsnest Centre site will be cleared by the end of August.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor has delivered on his hotel promise and if that does not work, he will make a new promise. Promises are cheaper by the dozen.

Anonymous said...

1.Quebec Manufacturer
2.Demolition of the center before first snowfall.
3.Coal mine
4.New hotel
5.Another New Hotel
6.Annexation of Ranchlands
7.PR consultants
I could go on and on when are we going to stop believing this crap?

Wake up people

Anonymous said...

Interesting write up by one who it appears was making his first foray into the political scene; only he knows the lay of the land. To him, most others are non-appreciative or know nothing, and are there to eat the BS we are being fed.

Bashing the "old boys club" -is this akin to the elitists?- and separating the residents into various groups is certainly the way to foster cooperation. This attitude shows the aloofness of this Mayor. Guess he has two options- fold or attack. We know which option he took. Go for it, Bruce. We are waiting to see just who is supporting you.

Anonymous said...

Four more years of this pompous arrogant crap. In the municipal newsletter that is just plain wrong.
If Bruce wants to write a letter to the editor pay for an ad in the paper (similar to Saje) that is fine. But at the taxpayers expense that is sooo wrong.
Looking forward to october

Anonymous said...

Can anybody give me directions to joint the Council Against Virtually Everything cult. I hear the Kool aid is really good.
Talk about bloated egos

Anonymous said...

This poor fellow just does not know how to operate in the public sphere. It must have been a pain in the butt working for him in the school system. Imagine the wreckage left in his wake wherever he went. Now he is trying his wrecking ball approach in the CNP. This will not work here, we will get change alright, all we need is to wait for October.
He may have fooled some people in Edmonton to start with, but this kind of incompetent charade does not last very long.

Secret Administrative Meetings? This will be impossible to explain away without lying and getting deeper into trouble. Or, one can always say: " our CAO researched these secret meetings and told us this was perfectly ok - just see this bus coming around the corner.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know how the rest of council feels about his statements.
Do they approved these newsletters? are they even aware of the Mayor's comments? do they have any input? Maybe the Mayor gives them a copy at the CAO briefing meeting.
But then they would not be able to discuss them or provide input right.
Whether they like it or not they are all being painted with the same brush.
Is there any of the Councillors putting any distance between themselves and the Mayor. (Other than that short blast from Saje)
Or will they run has a slate "the Mayor and his council"

So many questions so few answers.

Anonymous said...

George Cuff will be upset once he realizes the advice he gave was taken out of context to justify something he would likely not approve. They are digging a deeper hole for themselves.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why there has been so much pressure on this council for all these "new" industries.
I have not seen such things in the previous councils happening.
Maybe they did not have bloggers whipping everyone up.

Anonymous said...

5:53 There is no pressure on this council for new industries.They have brought all of this pressure upon themselves.They have made huge changes to the CNP with the promise of industries, hotels and a booming economy brought on by these changes.They have put the cart before the horse making huge very expensive changes and now there only hope is some of their plans come true.The mare has no problem spreading his propaganda.Even in his last report he talks about another hotel and a truck stop,is he to be believed.He wishes to be re- elected and continues to spread BS in hopes of fooling the electorate.
Also thank goodness for bloggers for helping to inform us of the goings on this community.2councilors also have blogs, but rarely use them as the questions they get asked can not be answered without making council look bad. If they were proud and sure of what they were doing they would post regularly and would be open to questions.

Anonymous said...

When you start spending money like drunken sailors (and jump into the 21st Century without hesitation and forethought) there has to be some repercussion. The warning signs were there, but they proceeded anyway. Sadly, they put the cart before the horse, and while some of the ideas may have had merit, the implementation has been sadly misguided.

They put the pressure on themselves -- BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME -- but where are they (new business)? The piper has to be paid now, and it is by us the taxpayer, since the additional income from all of this "new business" is not there. Changing a location in the Municipality is not new business.

Anonymous said...

The previous counsils did not make all these pie in the sky promises. You are either one of them or the very ill informed people.

Anonymous said...

When you have the level of arrogance that these guys have what can you expect. Nobody forced Bruce to stand up and shoot his yap off about how nobody had done anything for 30 years. Now you have the best and most wonderful council ever.

Anonymous said...

To be fair though, the bloggers have their own agendas; i.e. themselves getting a council job. So, maybe half is good and half is not.
You can choose and decide I guess.
I still make my own informed decisions and do not wait for the bloggers to tell me what to do.

John Prince said...

Anon @5:53
I believe the answer to your question is they made changes here people felt were both not wanted or needed while at the same time they 'put the cart in front of the horse', so to speak, in racking up HUGE bills and expenses for our community while putting forth new policies, procedures, a bloated administration, community peace officers, cancellation of TITV, etc., etc. that came with a HUGE price tag, all on the basis and/or mistaken presumption that growth and development was just around the corner and we needed to do this in order to be prepared.

Well, to-date, it is not happening and yet we have the bills that will continue to come in long into the foreseeable future, that we must now pay although we cannot afford to, and therefore the scrambling and pressure you speak of. Never mind all the damage that has been done to various organizations, our volunteer base, and our community pride and spirit. Not a pretty picture.

All because they wouldn't listen to the people, thought they knew best, and were highhanded, arrogant and deceitful in the process.


Anonymous said...

The Mayor’s Corner is very clear the council does not grasp the level of discontent within the community. It is very arrogant and uniformed both in tone and in content. Also, it is election propaganda which is paid by taxpayer’s dollars. He may think he is the smartest person in the room, but his words and actions prove otherwise. The unfortunate part of this tragic comedy are the other councillors who just sit there while he is making them all look bad.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can keep ranting on it forever, or look forward to the good things.
I don't think it is so good to always be focused on everything negative, and when something good happens, no mention.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...


I am talking now just on behalf of this blogger.
There is no secrets here I have made it clear since the last election that I will be running for council, certainly no hidden agenda.
I started my blog long before this council (2008) if you look back you will see some very critical articles of the council I sat on previously.
I just like every other resident has a right to voice my opinion, nobody will ever take away that from me.
Two councillors have blogs which they used for a long time, until I assume Bruce and the PR firm decided that they would take control of communications. I expect they will get more active as the clock ticks down to the next election.
Do you think myself and fellow bloggers would put the time and effort in to these blogs if nobody read them. I have a site counter and you would be amazed the numbers I get.
I know its been mentioned here a number of times already but do you not think with a little less arrogance, and attitude this council would not have got near has much grief as they have.
Change is good and change is necessary but you don't change everything in such a relative short period of time.
Come October the voters will decide if they want four more years of what they have had, or if they want to go with a different choice.

Lastly 9:32 did you read this Mayor's corner and some of his previous newsletters. Do you really think that those are fitting for a Mayor who represents this great community?

Anonymous said...

10:17 Could you provide even a short list of good things that have happened.
Please do not include things that may happen but have not.
ie. Mine, Hotel, Ranchlands Annexation, Truck stop, 2 or 3 more hotels, Coleman development,

Just the list of good things that have happened.

Anonymous said...

10:17 Look forward to the good things like? I think you have had a few to many latte's the foam is going to your head. What have they achieved?
This community is a shambles I have been here for 53 years and have never seen the people of this community so upset.
10:17 do you really think these guys have done a good job if yes please tell us on what.
Mr Prince is giving me the impression that things with the MD of Ranchlands are not going to be that great. So that will be another item scratched off the wish list. Can you really see the old hospital gone by August 30? that list is getting shorter and shorter.


Anonymous said...

List of Good Things Done

1. Thunder in the Valley cancelled - less pollution when 20, 000 people skip coming to the CNP just for one weekend.
2. Peace Officers. - signal to the passing public not to mess with us or else. Result: more peaceful environment.
3. Forensic Audit. Result: take us seriously when we give you orders. Don't undermine the highest office in the land. Give proper respect or we will audit you.
4. Proper new policies and regulations. Result: people will no longer laugh at us for having old policies.
5. Two new pickups at the fire department. Result: they look nice.
6. Secret council meetings whose name was changed to reflect the fact that these meetings are not meetings. Result: improved efficiency of the regular council meetings which now can be much shorter.
7. ?

Anonymous said...

Do not be so childish we are getting Rum Runner Days back this year

Anonymous said...

Anon. 12:33, what do you mean we are getting it back? Councillors Gallant and Saidon gave a very good effort last year, but it takes a perseverance to make an event great. Did they pack it in for this year?

Anonymous said...

When will we learn the rest of Councillor Saje's story. I see in the minutes he has missed quite a few meetings. Do we know if he has given up if he is just driving distance between himself and the rest of this group?

Anonymous said...

Are we having Fireworks this year?

Anonymous said...

To Anon 2:12

I haven't seen any mention of fireworks, the following is from the Rum Runners website:

Come and join us for our annual Rum Runner Days weekend as we celebrate the deep rooted history, culture, and heritage of Crowsnest Pass and its people.

Rum Runner Days begins on Thursday, July 18 and continues through to Saturday, July 20, 2013. The events include our Parade, Wine and Food Festival, Show 'n' Shine, Live Music, Street Vendors, and plenty of Kids Activities. We'll have barrels of fun for the whole family. For details and times go to our Events Page. We will be updating it with more information as we confirm new venues.

We welcome you to our community and look forward to having you participate in our celebrations.

Not sure if we are having a midway either.

Anonymous said...

There was an article in the papers this week which stated there would be no fire works this year. It will be interesting to see how many people actually show up. Last year they were predicting in excess of 20,000 people Saturday night main street was like a ghost town.

Anonymous said...

Rum runners days without TITV will never be more than a nice local event.It will be much like Bellcrest days or Coal miners days or any small communities summer celabration.Council after destoying the event tried to do it themselves last year and it was a total disaster.They now will have nothing to do with it and still will not own up to there mistakes.Gallant actually called last years event a sucsess.After the event it took them over 3 months to cook the books.It takes a big man to admit his mistakes.We have no big men on council.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Councillor Gallant and Councillor Saidon will not build on the success of the last year’s Rum Runner Days?

John Prince said...

Anon @9:32
"... the bloggers have their own agendas; i.e. themselves getting a council job."

Do you really think if that was my primary concern I would write the things I do and take the controversial stands that I do? Get real.

btw/ Unlike Dean, the only declaration I have made since the last election was that I would ^not^ run again. So far, I have not been given any reason why I should change that position.

FYI, I'm not interested in money (except to pay my bills and get by), power or fame. I am interested in making a difference and changing our world for the better. In this regard, I do not sense too many people in this community think likewise. Therefore, why waste ones time tilting at windmills. Maybe that will change before the next election but so far I do not see that happening, nor do I expect it to.

The establishment here and their dolts and dupes who blindly follow them are afraid of me and people like me and what we represent... 'people power'. Therefore like the last time people here will most likely follow along like sheep and vote for a name not even knowing the man because they were told to.

Since the last election I have little faith in people here in this community knowing what’s best for them and acting accordingly. Instead they do what’s best for the elites who in turn think so little of them that they don’t even give them the crumbs off their plates.

A couple of more days or so and it will be five months before the election. Let’s see who steps forward from now till then and whether or not this community can smarten up before then and show they want real leadership that can take direction and move us forward with true mountain freedom and spirit. Let’s hope so!


Crowsnest Pass Home said...

Who steps forward is the big question.

Anonymous said...

This newsletter would have been a disgrace to publish written by a regular joe. To be written by a public figure and distributed at taxpayers expense I can not even find words to describe my feelings.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the good tax paying citizens of the Crowsnest Pass need to realize that we have BAITER's leading and managing our community.

B - Backstabbers
A - Abusers
I - Imposters
T - Takers
E - Exploiters
R - Reckless people

who have the qualities of the "Evil Eight"