Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Democracy is alive and well in the Crowsnest Pass

Well the political Forum came and went last night, was very surprised and impressed with the turn out, especially when I read about a number of communities that can not even get enough people to run.

The Chamber did a very good job and I was impressed with the way the moderator (Val Danielson) controlled the meeting.

The down side was that we tried to learn about candidates, their positions, and get a sense of their abilities to lead this community in a span of less than three hours.
Very difficult to say the least some people impressed me some did not, but then we only had four opportunities to speak basically four and a half minutes.
Its really tough because there was five people there that I have never met before or heard speak.
Its really hard to judge what if somebody was having a off night?

Anyway irregardless its going to be an interesting campaign for the next three weeks.

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