Friday, July 12, 2013

Municipal press release on the hotel development

Notice the date on the press release these guys have known about this for 17 days. After the Quebec manufacturer who would ever have guessed.

Crowsnest Pass Council weighs options as hotel development receives a setback

On Tuesday, June 25th, Crowsnest Pass Council was informed that Medican will no longer be partnering with the Vachon Group on the construction of the hotel portion of the hospitality complex intended for the current Crowsnest Centre site. These circumstances will put the hotel development on temporary hold.
The problem revolved around questions pertaining to the ability to retain investment dollars required to construct the hotel while waiting for official franchise approval.
While viewing this turn of events as unfortunate, Crowsnest Council sees this as a setback for the project, not the end of it. “Given the scenery of the site, its strategic location and the enthusiasm from the community for this project, I have no doubt that a development will be built on the Crowsnest Centre site in due course, “said Mayor Bruce Decoux. The Vachon Group, who is still the official applicant for the hotel development, intends to continue working with Crowsnest Pass on the complex. Mayor Decoux says he will press to ensure the site is prepared this fall.
Moving forward, the Council will weigh its options which includes continuing with plans to build the restaurant, and clearing the site to make it attractive for hotel development. “We still have a committed, reputable partner in the Vachon Group to develop the site into what this community has been envisioning,” said Mayor Decoux. “I appreciate their dedication to bringing this development, and its amenities, to our municipality.”
Council stressed that they are committed to continuing to listen closely to the community around how the site will be developed and will provide the community with regular updates on the progress of the project.

Note: Cost of administration $4325 per day


Anonymous said...

Bruce has proven that he is no better at 'fishing' and enacting relevant policy than he is at business.

'Mayor Decoux says he will press to ensure the site is prepared this fall.'

Stop the 'Scorched Earth Policy' that we really didn't vote for, or can't afford (while you are comfortable in Arizona) and let's wait three months for an election and a proper mandate.

Anonymous said...

"The Vachon Group, who is still the official applicant for the hotel development".

There was one submission to the RFP, I don't think they ever told us who that was.
Then the "new Hotel developer is partnering with the main developer".
Then the "contract" (actually an option to purchase) with Medican, a construction contractor and concrete business in a bankruptcy process.
Then the Penrose Group was mysteriously invited to appear before Council.
And now the one-man home business Vachon Group is "still" the official applicant.

At least we get to keep the $25,000 deposit.

Anonymous said...

Bruce, I like your style. You say that within the next two months you are going to initiate the demolition of the complex.

You pay to wreck the place and I have assembled a model composed of popsicle sticks. I am confident you will be able to sell this to the electorate as to the concept, and all for your political gain.

I will give you $1 to obtain possession, and your hands are totally washed of your past transgressions.

This could indeed spell your much wanted legacy.

We got a deal?

Bill B.

Anonymous said...

$25k of someone else's money???

This group had no reputation to begin with. Shame on our current council for dealing with these despots and spending so much of my money in 'chasing' personal dreams.

Anonymous said...

Bill B. 10:05

Maybe we could get on one of these demolition reality shows:

Put us on the map. Rent a few hotel rooms. Sell some popcorn.

Anonymous said...

"Council stressed that they are committed to continuing to listen closely to the community around how the site will be developed and will provide the community with regular updates on the progress of the project.

How did whoever wrote the press release get this message from "Council"? I don't think Council voted a resolution stating that.

Perhaps it was at an in camera meeting. But if it's confidential, why is the writer disclosing it in a press release?

Anonymous said...

10:44:00 PM,

Sorry, this idea has already been taken, and by copywrite.The TLC show called 'Abandoned', where the next council tries to salvage what is left.

I hope the new council won't ultimately struggle with previously imposed handcuffs and be able to try their best at giving a semblance of being responsible and effective.

I have a lot of empathy for our next council.

Anonymous said...

You just can't make this up, what a Soap Opera. A chart would show lines crisscrossing trying to explain the CLC fiasco. How the Mayor can write what he does and then think the people will buy this tripe is beyond me. He is either dillusional or thinks that we are indeed stupid loyal subjects who cannot think for ourselves, and will follow him and his minions over the cliff.

We appear to have a new group here called the "Crowsnest Pass Lemmings" that forms the bulk of the voting group. Will it disband before October 21 and return some sanity to the Land of Disenchantment?

Anonymous said...

My greatest fear is that Bruce intends to pass the torch to mini-Bruce. A new leader/face with the same agenda of destruction of this community. Some people say you don't want to see everything they have done changed back. I always ask like what?

No answer

Anonymous said...

the only changes I see left by Bruce and the puppets are ones that destroyed pride in our community, cost us dearly in taxes, franchise fees permits, safety code inspections and a new fire department just to name a few. Also he has made us the laughing stock of southern Alberta and other communities avoid doing business with us like the plague. He is psychotic paranoid a bully and a coward and needs professional help. Don't do any more business with Decoux leave it in the hands of our new ECD officer.

Anonymous said...

Fire department - don't want it changed back.

Anonymous said...

I just want to see something positive from our Mayor.

Bruce, could you post pics of how your construction is progressing in Arizona? You might also include them with my utility bill, if you see fit.

Anonymous said...

Sat Jul 13, 09:37:00 AM,

And Brian was the genius that named the spawn of his enterprising endeavors the 'Sinister Seven'.

We had the "4 horsemen" and then "The Magnificent 7" and now Brian may have conjured up a label that could become an important part of our history.

Way to go.

Anonymous said...


And, why would that be, would it cut into YOUR pocketbook?

Anonymous said...

"On Tuesday, June 25th, Crowsnest Pass Council was informed ...
While viewing this turn of events as unfortunate, Crowsnest Council sees this as a setback for the project, not the end of it....
Moving forward, the Council will weigh its options which includes continuing with plans to build the restaurant, and clearing the site to make it attractive for hotel development....
Council stressed that they are committed ..."

There are Council meetings on June 18 and July 16.
Somehow "Council" was informed and did this viewing, seeing, weighing and stressing without having a meeting.
Maybe they had one of those secret not-meetings.

Anonymous said...

"May 15,2013 The Mayor states "Last week I kept my promise and announced on the radio, as soon as I knew, that our new hotel will be a Best western. Final approval should be given between the 13th to 18th of this month. If it is not approved by the Best Western Board of Governors we will move to the Holiday Inn group. Regardless things are on time and we should see demolition activity late this summer"
In the quote above the mare says "as soon as I knew" he made an announcement. So why wait 17 days for this press release. This should have been announced immedeitly. This waiting gives insiders an edge.
I guess the Holiday Inn group has also lost interest.
My best guess is that council will give Best Western 50k for franchise rights and that they will also enter into an agreement to tear down the CLC. I hope I am wrong.

Anonymous said...

Our current council has only one member who is doing the thinking, weighing, planning, hiring, firing, and speaking. This is why all of this action is ending in a big failure just before the election. Of course, this member will not accept any responsibility for this failure.

Anonymous said...

I think companies that rip out asbestos also do other nasty jobs like cleaning up after toxic spills, fires and floods. If so, they might be booked up.

Anonymous said...

"Mayor Decoux says he will press to ensure the site is prepared this fall."
and from the Newsletter:
"A decision regarding clearing the property will also have to be made very shortly."

This would have to be done with CNP money, it would drain most of the reserve fund (unless they borrow).

I asked this before, why is this now urgent? Have they given any reasons? There must be something they are not telling us.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:43 I think it would be strictly a political move to show that they have made some progress on the removal of the CLC. They have nothing good to show after 3 years it will be tough to get re-elected. It is all about the hype. They will do anything to try and make themselves look good. There will be more promises of a future deal. It is to bad that they will tie the hands of the next council. What a mess they will have to clean up.

Anonymous said...

Their is no dam way we should use $50,000 of taxpayers money to tie up the Best Western name. That is stupid what if the next investor wants a holiday inn?

This is nuts

Anonymous said...

Hopefully few of the councillors will man up on this. Or is this a strategy between Bruce and Brian to show how tough the "mini-me" can be just before election.

Anonymous said...


I believe the "something they are not telling us," would be "THE TRUTH!"