Friday, June 21, 2013

Bellecrest Days, More news on the flood

Bellecrest Days have been cancelled

The following comes from the Calgary Herald

Crowsnest Pass over the worst, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat still waiting for rivers to crest

"In Crowsnest Pass, the community is already in a “repair and rebuild phase.”
“The rivers are starting to recede, and I don’t think there’s a prediction for any further rainfall,” said Mayor Bruce Decoux. “We’ve come through it all right ... But it’s still probably more damage than we’ve ever seen before.”
Four bridges in Crowsnest are closed, waiting to be assessed by structural engineers. Sartoris Road — a major route for tourists, campers, and hikers — has been washed out in several places and Decoux said it likely won’t be repaired before late summer".

Rest of the story available at the following:

New Flood pictures from around Southern Alberta including the Crowsnest Pass

Terrible News

Alberta Government Responds

Great tool for checking the highways

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