Monday, June 17, 2013

Municipal Nomination Day coming soon. Time to step forward even sooner.

Municipal Nomination Day is not that far away, September 23 it will be here before you know it. 

The time frame between now and then will give everybody both for those that are happy and those that are not with the present council the opportunity to put forth their names, get out there meeting people and explaining their positions.

In a community that's has political as the Crowsnest Pass only the most naive person would wait until September 23 to begin their campaign.

From the email that was being sent around town last week the incumbents and their supporters have obviously started the process of getting re-elected. It's normal in most communities for the incumbents to have an advantage.

The average person on the street usually does not have a lot of money, or any kind of organization behind them. That's why it's so important for anybody that is considering running to start doing their homework now talk to you family, friends, fellow workers, anybody you know see if you have their support. 

Be prepared understand that it will cost you a few dollars for signs, advertising etc. Keep in mind you will not get elected sitting on your couch it will take a lot of your time.

Who can be a candidate and what are the rules for running for office I have found the following information on the municipal affairs web site: 

Who can run for office?

To become a candidate you must be at  least 18 years of age on nomination day, a Canadian citizen, and you must have been a resident of the local jurisdiction for the 6 consecutive months preceding nomination day.

Who can not run for office?

You are not eligible to become a candidate under any of the following circumstances:
If you are the auditor of the municipality
If you are a municipal employee, unless you take the entitled leave of absence
If your property taxes are more than $50 in arrears or you are in default, for more
than 90 days, for any other debt in excess of $500 to the municipality.
If you have, within the previous 10 years,been convicted of a offense under the
Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act or the Canada Elections Act
If you are a judge, member of parliament, senator, or member of the legislative
assembly, you must resign that position before you take office as a member of

What can you promise has a candidate?

Any promise you make as part of your election campaign that involves
municipal expenditures or the activities of the employees, can only be carried out if you can convince a majority of council that it is a good idea.


Your form must be signed by at least five people eligible to vote in the election. These people must be eligible to vote and residents in the local jurisdiction on the
date of signing the nomination paper. Your form will be refused if it has not been
signed by the required number of eligible electors.


The nomination form states that you are required to make an affidavit saying that
you are eligible for nomination, not otherwise disqualified from office, and that
you will accept the office if you are elected. You must swear or affirm that
affidavit before a Commissioner for Oaths or the returning officer. Ensure you are
aware of the contents of Sections 12, 21, 22, 23, 47, 147 and 151 of the Local
Authorities Election Act.

Filing the Form?

The completed form is to be filed with the returning officer between 10 a.m. and noon on nomination day, unless the municipality has passed a bylaw prior to June 30th in the year in which a general election is held, stating that the returning officer may receive nominations earlier than 10 a.m.

Late Nominations?

The returning officer cannot accept nominations after noon on nomination day.
Be sure that your nomination paper is filed on time

Allowable campaign Expenses?

The payment of the following expenses (related to the campaign) is not  considered a contravention of the legislation:
Your personal expenses
Cost of acquiring premises, accommodation, goods or services for proper election campaign expenses
Payments for the costs of printing and advertising
Reasonable payment to any person for the hire of transportation used by a candidate or speakers in travelling to and from public meetings or by any person in connection with and for the proper purposes of an election.

Campaign Contributions?

A candidate must open a bank account in their own name or the name of the
campaign as soon as possible after the amount of contributions exceeds $5000 in aggregate or the amount of contributions and any of the candidate’s own funds
exceeds $5000 in aggregate.
All contributions must be deposited in that account, and the money is to be used only for campaign expenses. A candidate whose campaign is entirely self funded has by no more than $10,000 in a campaign period is not required to open a bank account. Contributions of real and personal property and services have a
value. Receipts must be issued for every contribution and obtained for every
expense. Records of all contributions and expenses are to be kept for at least 2 years.

Term of Office?

If you are elected in a general election, you will be expected to serve a four-year term. This term will officially begin at the organizational meeting of the council. In a by-election, you take office as soon as you take the oath of office. A term of office may be ended early by resignation or disqualification from office.

Note: Keep in mind one very important number $4325


Anonymous said...

Dean is there anyway possible to speed up the counter on the right hand side of your blog.

Anonymous said...

While I personally, am not up for this, I think it might be helpful for someone who is, to have a link, or a place where they could pick up a nomination form. Do you have that information available Dean?


Anonymous said...

What is this very important number of 4325?