At the G+P meeting of September 18,2012 I sat patiently for over a hour and a half listening to delegations from the “Forty Developmental Assets Committee and the Southern Alberta Weed Coordinator” then to an update on the Strategic Plan that basically represented a back patting contest on how great the recommendations from the first pillar have been implemented or in the process of being implemented.
Then we found out that the final report on the Rum Runner Day’s weekend is in true TITV fashion being “deferred” to the October 2 meeting of council.
We got down to the issue of the $366,000 tax grab for 2013 better know by the label of Franchise Fees. Councilor Gallant and Saindon very quickly made some comments about looking for other answers than just raising taxes. Councilor Mitchell came to the rescue with a suggestion that would cut the increase by $70,000 so only hammering us with a $266,000 tax increase instead of the initial $366,000. (I guess six slaps to the head are better than seven) this approach had some support from Councilor Gail.
Then to my surprise Councilor Londsbury took the approach that this is only a $97 a year increase a “quarter” a day. He could not see where people are making such a big deal (On some web sites) he even went as far as to pull a pile of change out of his pocket that he had counted during the break and tell his colleagues here I have my next 35 weeks worth of the increase.
So at this point I am waiting for everybody to fall into line with Councilor Mitchell’s suggestion.
When suddenly I was blown away when Councilor Saindon stated “just because we can take the taxpayer’s money doesn’t me we should” Wow that was great the Mayor then pushed him for detail to which he laid out a list of items to review for cost cuts.
-Reduction of redundant services
-Work order program to determine inefficiencies and waste
-Skating rinks and pools where utilization rates are down and wage costs are up
-Bulk fuel purchases
-Equipment Utilization
-Big ticket equipment items that are not being used, even 100 hours per year (See my story on the Hoe)
Then Councilor Gallant laid out his area’s of potential cost cutting
-The Town Rounder
-Rural Garbage pickup
-Summer Ice ($60,000 at the arena)
-Money to heritage groups (Heritage Board, Museum, Bellevue Mine)
Not for a second did anybody suggest that all of these things should be taken away what they did suggest is that all of these things should be looked at before just imposing another $366,000 of tax on our residents. I have no problem dumping on these guys when they screw up but they also deserve KUDO’s when they do the right thing.
Yes I know it’s only a year to the next election and I feel that some of the councilors are feeling a little heat from the local taxpayers but some of them still did the right thing.
The Franchise Fee issue will be coming back to council in their first budget meeting, I would recommend that anybody that is talking to their councilors keep up the pressure let them know that you are glad they delayed this “tax” now you want it to go away completely.
Hey Dean, why no comment about the property tax late payments. They are deferring (lol) the tax sale on the riverrun properties, but are putting up for sale for taxes owed the Bridgecreek on Crowsnest lake property,valued at 1.9 million, and the discovery centre for about 400,000. I can not see anyone buying either. I also do not see the differance between these properties and Riverrun.
That must have came up at council it wasn't on the G+P meeting.
I did not make council last night.
Councilor Londsbury, Shame on you.If you say it is only a quarter a day, then I would argue that it is 1000.00 every ten years.Its all how you look at it.And it would not be so bad had council not already increased franchise fees and utility bills and raised property taxes. Can someone please do the math and figure out how much more we are paying today compared with when this council took over on all of these "quarters a day"
Can't imagine the need for "summer ice". Emile had some very good ideas. Good for him.
Summer Ice fell under Councilor Gallant's comments
Check out what has happened with Franchise Fees @
Even if this increase is totally dropped they have doubled in two years
Good idea to shut down one of the best hockey schools in Canada. While they're at it, lets see what other cuts can be made to get rid of the remaining youth in the Pass.
I see this as really simple. If councilor Londsbury can reach into his pocket and pull out a pile of change and tell me that this is but a quarter a day... Well, I am left totally speachless. Talk about arrogance and a total disregard for a large portion of the population here. I am sure that a lot of us would just love to pull out spare change, as if it was something that could be thrown on the floor, just as you seemed willing to do, and just to prove a point. Mr. Londsbury, I am OK with your reasoning as long as you are OK with my showing up every day on your doorsteep so you can empty your pocket full of change. I am not gready. All I ask for is a Quarter a day. Obviously you have it....
Regarding the hockey school, you would think that the participants fees would cover the amount of the ice. Sometimes (??) user fees should cover things that people use. Taxpayer money cannot support every little thing.
Yes, it was Londsbury, sorry. They both had good ideas. Hope someone is listening!
Ah, Jerry Lonsbury, a 'two-bit' kinda fella.
With Jerry its not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. He is a man of knowledge rather than wisdom, and that is why I have always preferred the company of ordinary people, because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.
As a result, they are often more wise than the teacher, who only has knowledge but no wisdom, due to his lack of life experience.
The summer ice should not be cancelled. But it also should not be so heavily subsitized.
The town rounder I beleive to be one of the most under utilized services we have.
Maybe the best place to make some cuts would be to layoff some of these extra employees that this council has hired. Of course that would involve admitting you were wrong.When is this council going to figure out that they have a spending problem.
I do not think it is that easy to lay off municipal employees. But make them be also accountable. I asked one of them what their job was and they could not tell me. No joke. Also, I believe the Town Rounder is an excellent thing to have. It is the only way people can get around if they do not have a vehicle. I think the one taxi could be a little costly. Yes, the summer ice should not be subsized, or not nearly as much. Whoever gets the money from it should be the ones paying.
Us country residential folks are thinking of changing our area's name to "taxburg" I get so tired of hearing about all the burden country residential puts on the community. There is not one of us that pays less than $5,000 a year in taxes.
What do we get for that money? our road graded once in the summer and a couple of times in the winter. No pavement, curb + gutter, water, sewer, street lighting. I would love to see the Municipality use one of their high priced consultants to see what Country Residential actually brings in and what it costs.
Yes, I called and left a message wondering why we do not have a proper curb and gutter in front of our house. Guess what, you are correct, no answer. Ridiculous.
I wonder if the debate happened because there were people sitting there. There are a lot of people talking about this "Quarter" tax around the community.
We have enough tax I do not want to pay a penny a day, let alone a quarter.
Message to council let's just close everything. The last one leaving town can shut of the lights.
Cut some of the high priced help first.
Any news on the Quebec manufacturer or the new hotel?
They better find something soon told today that Robert's Bank is full and there are no boats for at least two weeks.
I am so done with this council.
Their arrogant attitude.
Their propanganda town hall meeting and newsletters.
The only thing we the public can see that they have done?
Community peace officers and cancelling Thunder in the Valley.
So why should we be positive.
Can not wait for the next election.
Time for the not so "magnificient" to go.
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