Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Crowsnest Pass Rate Payers Petition

If you are looking to sign the Rate payers petition call any one of the following:

William Kovach 564-4709
Gail Montgomery 564-4077
Troy Clark 563-0381                 
Sasha JaegerBaird 563-6073
Ed Strembecki 564-0184        
Marilyn Milley 562-2719
Marlene Anctil 562-8180 
Larry Ruzek 564 4384
Rudy Pagnucco 562-8147

Or you can stop by Marlene's store on main street Blairmore, you can't miss the signs just a block down from the swimming pool during business hours. 

If you can't leave your home for any reason give myself Dean Ward a call at 563-4128 (leave a message) or email me at I would be glad to drop by.


Anonymous said...

Anybody out there know how many people have signed the petition to date?

Anonymous said...

I heard over 1200 as of yesterday.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if they got rid of the pool board

Anonymous said...

The pool board received a letter in September. Telling them they were finished and would be more than welcome to join the new Recreation and Sports Board.

Anonymous said...

In regardeds to the post by Anon 1:26. Seems that it is totally clear on which path this coucil is taking in regards to "volunteers".

Anonymous said...

Will members of the new Rcreation and Sports board be paid?

Anonymous said...

So our volunteers for non-profit groups are getting canned and replaced with paid staff at tax payer’s expense? Where does this leave Sinister 7 and all of the fools that they have volunteering? Do those volunteers even realise they have been working for free for one of our counselor’s private business? I heard the counsellor say, "if it were not for the volunteers, Sinister 7 could not happen." Most businesses could flourish if they did not have to pay their employees. What is the matter with this picture? Wonder if this counslor realises that the same volunteers he is p****ing off today are the ones that helped him build his private, for- profit bussiness, and the same ones his busssiness will need for his next event.

Anonymous said...

Sinister 7, is a really good thing for this community. We need to see more of these types of events.
But I do see your point about volunteers working for a private business.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree. Sinister 7 has done wonders for our little community. So did Thunder in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we can afford to lose events like Sinister 7. That is why I volunteer every year. But I also believe that we have to have TITV.
We expose the Crowsnest Pass to two very types of audiences.

Anonymous said...

Reading Da Mayor’s Corner a while back, one gets the feeling he enjoys rubbing shoulders with the Big City Mayors. Next we can expect an Exhibition Board for things like the Rum Runner Days, etc. Seems they have learned nothing from their call for volunteers for the new Economic Committee or Board, (or whatever it is), they are trying to put together. If that fails, there are Consultants that can put these things together and make a power point presentation for all us Rubes who may care to show up.

Anonymous said...

This place gets sicker by the minute. Who on earth would want to get seriously involved in this community, when you get nothing but criticism no matter what you do? Also,as I recall, everybody wanted a recreation centre, but really, do you not think taxes would go up if that happened? I don't think you know what you want. Not to mention the fact that the Rate Payers Assoc. should give some thought as to how silly they are making our community look, it's truly embarassing.

Anonymous said...

Yes, not too sure about the Ratepayers Assoc. myself. They seem to be all over the board. They are protesting about everything under the sun. And I am not sure that they have any leadership in this regard.

Jose said...

Anon 11:09 PM - With the Ratepayers, who are under sound leadership, the Mayor, Council and Administration are being held accountable for their actions. There is no fiscal constraint, and to say we are building for the future, as the Mayor says is like saying that 20,000 people would show up for Rum Runner Days.

We all know where that went and are eagerly awaiting the Financial Report for the RRD fiasco. The report will tell the real story of how far these guys will go to hide their screw ups. Tell me one thing that this Mayor and Council have done to promote Volunteerism since being in office. They have done the opposite and that's why many of the die hard volunteers are the same people attending the Ratepayers' meetings. That's where the people that want to be involved in this Community are!

Now as for a Rec Centre, I'd gladly pay more taxes for this than for the numerous useless costly Consultant studies that have the answers that the Masters want even before the studies are started. This is the same tact used by our Educators to determine why our schools are failing. We know where hat has led us.


Anonymous said...

I do not want to pay more taxes for a Rec Centre.