Monday, October 8, 2012

Rally @ the Municipal office at 1:45pm October 9. Town hall meeting Thursday October 11

The executive of the ratepayers Association is meeting with Council at 2pm tomorrow, there will be a rally outside anybody that can make it is encouraged to attend.

This will be followed by a town hall meeting 7pm Thursday Night October 11, at the Hillcrest Miners club. Everybody is encouraged to attend, you do not have to be a member to be there. If you want to join it only costs $5.



Anonymous said...

The problem with this Council has been that so much has been going on outside of official channels in secret unofficial backroom meetings.

I am disappointed to see the Ratepayers participating in a closed meeting with "Council".

These seven individuals are not "Council", they are just ordinary citizens like you and me unless they are meeting in an official Council Meeting that is open to the public according to MGA and FOIP.

Anonymous said...

The Council would only agree to meet with the Ratepayers Executive,

Anonymous said...

This council appears to be big into secrets and strategic thinking. Unfortunately, it also appears they think they are running a school yard, a school house, and a school district. What’s more, it is plain to see they are reacting to events, rather than leading change. Now they need to come up with better reasons to justify what just happened, just like the last time.

Anonymous said...

I guess they probably had to make it closed with the executive, but they in turn should tell everything at the Ratrpayers meeting coming up. Enough secrets already. But they probably had to handle it that way because everyone would be yelling and screaming.

Anonymous said...

How about the Ratepayers sending council members individual letters/emails, stating that their replies will be public.

Quote statements they made during the election or since and ask how that jibes with what is happening.

Point out that if they are not happy with something, it is their responsibility to be standing up at Council proposing motions to fix it (and "working behind the scenes" is not a good answer).

I have some of their election blurbs, I could scan and post them if anyone cares.

Anonymous said...

Rate payers are having a private meeting with counsil?? Unreal! why would they agree to a private meeting? I thought we were in this together? I see one of the people campaigning for counsel on the Rant and Rave page had a meeting with “one of the counselors” and answered everyone’s concerns. When are people going to get that we are not interested in reports from secret meetings! Say who the counsellor is or stop wasting our time. Why is it everyone thinks they are the exception to the rule?

Anonymous said...

The meeting time is changed? How convenient! That works fine for those who do not have a life and are able to change their plans on a dime. The games people play!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the story coming out of the municipal hall keeps evolving.

Anonymous said...

Surprise, Surprise - after the municipality cancelled the Thunder in the Valley at the eleventh hour - they found unused fireworks at the Blaimore fire hall. What next?

Anonymous said...

Do we know who purchased those fireworks?

Follow the trail

Anonymous said...

Any updates on todays meeting????

Sasha said...

The meeting was not private. It was totally open to the media, all forms of media. There were two local newspapers, the local radio station and Global TV with camera's and tape recorders. As well, there was John Prince representing alternative media (internet/online).

Anonymous said...

re: fireworks discovered at BFD

See Facebook comment by Debbie Greenwood (who is a volunteer with the BFD to help them manage the Thunder in the Valley account. In other words: she pay's their bills. The copy of the paid invoice stamped by the town is right on front of her.

Here is her resposne to today's accusations:

Response to Municipal New Release, Oct. 9: Residents of the Crowsnest Pass, here are the REAL 'circumstances surrounding the discovery of high explosive fireworks on municipal property': The Municipality of the CNP was the one that purchased these 'high explosives' RE: Inv#C00000000025510, July 7, 2011, and then sold them to BFD! Myron, are you saying that the town sold $32,000 in fireworks to someone but didn't ask these storage questions or what the intentions were for these products THEN? Any guy in the alley could have ordered this stuff though the town, then is invoiced by the town, town accepts payment, and none of these questions would be asked as long as the bill is paid? He could have stored them next door in my neighbors house buy you forgot to ask him what he was doing with them then? NOBODY in your office asked these questions? Is that what you are now confessing to with this latest news release? If you're so concerned about our residents safety regarding such high explosive materials, aren't you about 1 year late investigating the storage of $32,000 in dangerous materials that, again, the municipal OFFICE sold? The town looks plain stupid now if they are acting so surprised that there is fireworks at the Blairmore Firehall when they are the ones that sold it to them! WOW

Anonymous said...

All the new hired professionals at the town office, and this?

Sasha JaegerBaird said...

Further to today's meeting:

I took 11 pages of notes. I just finished transcribing it from my notebook to my Blog. Took me hours!!

Dean, maybe you want to link to it so everyone can read what transpired? If so, feel free to publish the link.

Anonymous said...

The petition should go forward. This council is under some illusion that its work is supported by a “Silent Majority.” The council is disconnected from reality and the petition, if it accomplishes anything, should put an end to this illusion.