Well I would like to say the title to this post is true, but it's not. For the third meeting in a row (Sept 18, Oct 2, Oct 16) the information was not available.
It almost seems like Rum Runner Days/Thunder in the Valley and deferrals go hand in hand like peaches and cream.
Administration asked for time to review the Rum Runner committee's report, the Chairman of the committee was not available today.
Why keep adding an item to the agenda until it is ready to be presented?
My guess is they do not like the numbers they are seeing. Therefore they need more time to cook the books.
Really, is it that hard to know how much you spent,and what you bought.
The Rumrunner's report has been in their hands for a while now. When your pet is a skunk, it dosen't matter how long you stall to wrap pretty ribbons around it's neck and powder it up, it is still a skunk. Please bring the numbers forward. Think there may be a chance of a stink here?
Honest to goodness, you think they could have the answer next day. It is NOT rocket science.
We all know that much of it will be fabricated anyway.
As far as I am concerned, the numbers really don't mean much. They will be spun the way Council, the CAO, CFO, Adminstration and many of the members of the RR committee want it to look.
Personally, I would want an independent audit, done by a good cross selection of members of this community, to go over the books. Only then will we get maybe true numbers and answers.
Not a concoction of cooked numbers.
Municipal Affairs has this 24 page (PDF):
Now That You’ve Been Elected - A Handbook for Elected Councillors
that mentions this MGA section:
Civil liability of councillors
249(1) A councillor who
(a) makes an expenditure that is not authorized under section 248,
is liable to the municipality for the expenditure or amount spent.
(4) The liability may be enforced by action by
(a) the municipality,
(b) an elector or taxpayer of the municipality, or
I don't think the RRD expenditures have been authorized. I don't know exactly who made the expenditures.
Sasha said...
"Personally, I would want an independent audit, ... "
Saindon has claimed that RRD is not an official CNP committee. I wonder if the municipal auditors will buy this, or if they will want to include the RRD books in the municipal audit.
"Saindon has claimed that RRD is not an official CNP committee". I hope this is not true, as it would be like walking away from a bastard child.
Anon 7:41 said...
"Saindon has claimed that RRD is not an official CNP committee". I hope this is not true, as it would be like walking away from a bastard child.
Well, it's technically true, since RRD was never established by Council resolution.
But if something goes wrong and RRD members are sued individually, I think they could (and would) claim to be "volunteer workers" for CNP:
MGA 535(2) Councillors, council committee members, municipal officers and volunteer workers are not liable for loss or damage caused by anything said or done or omitted to be done in good faith in the performance or intended performance of their functions, duties or powers under this Act or any other enactment.
This means the Municipality is liable, not them.
So it's the Municipality that can't walk away from the love child.
Dean i have just posted an article on my blogsite The Miners Journey it will give your viewers a perspective of who i am and what i stand for. I know some take exceptions to my comments because i always leave my name. Anyway the posts i have their will provide some info on our current situation. Thanks again Peter Rosner --The Miners Journey
If you wish to check out Peter's site the link is now available on the right hand side under Interesting Blogs
The way we get involved in our local politics is not a weakness but a strength. I am surprised with our Mayor being so out of touch with our community. Crowsnest Pass is not resistant to change; Crowsnest Pass is resistant to foolishness.
Boy these guys sure know how to shoot themselves in the foot. Numbers produced now will not be seen has credible high or low. It is now three months since Rum Runner Days and counting.Is it really that hard?
Sasha said...
"We all know that much of it will be fabricated anyway."
According to Anon Oct 16, 03:15 and what it says in the G&P minutes, Admin has had the final report for some time.
Sasha, are you saying that the report has gone to the muni without the RRD committee voting to adopt it?
it will take a bit of time to cook the books. Only the public knows better, instead its like trying to put perfume on a skunk--- lipstick on a pig etc---etc
To anonymous Wed Oct 17, 04:20:00 PM
All I can tell you is that at the last meeting that I was welcome to, (I basically got thrown out for speaking my mind and challenging some of the decisions and figures that were put forth) the numbers per presented by Emile Saindon to the committee. However, he told us that they were not the final figures and that there would be more adjustments made to them before taking them to council. I never saw the final figures, but I can tell you that I know there were some unauthorized (the committee never agreed to pay them) expenses submitted to the treasurer and paid back to the person who submitted them.
Further to my last comment:
You can know for a fact, that those unauthorized expenses will never see the light of day. They will be buried so deep, you will never know what they were for.
As I recall a preliminary budget posted on this blog, the RRD Committee started out with $19,000 (from somewhere) and planned to lose $50,000, to be made up by a $50,000 grant from council. I can't find where Council voted that money, and it appears the loss was much greater.
So where did this money come from. Who was signing the cheques on whose accounts?
Am I missing something here?
Seems to me that when/if the final report is finally not deferred, Council will have to vote to authorize this spending.
They could instead try to stash it in the budget, but this would require cuts in existing planned programs. The numbers have to add up. If they try that there will be whistleblower letters to the auditors, cc'd to Municipal Affairs, the media and whichever fraud squad has jurisdiction.
They are delaying the report on RRD expenses until their new Revenue Department aka Peace Officers are able to fill the coffers of the new Miscellaneous Account.
Or, the new computer system at the Municipality was too complicated for the staff to operate and to properly assign a RRD account code, or was maxed out with games. Ahh, the answer -- more training, or another IT assistant, or bring in another Consultant.
Is it any wonder why our Education System is so screwed up? The same operating agenda -- build up the Head Office staff in the Superintendent's office, while limiting the teachers and "dismissing" the volunteer teaching aides and other volunteers. We now have this structure in the Municipality, along with no consideration for fiscal responsibility.
They are delaying the report on RRD expenses until their new Revenue Department aka Peace Officers are able to fill the coffers of the new Miscellaneous Account.
Or, the new computer system at the Municipality was too complicated for the staff to operate and to properly assign a RRD account code, or was maxed out with games. Ahh, the answer -- more training, or another IT assistant, or bring in another Consultant.
Is it any wonder why our Education System is so screwed up? The same operating agenda -- build up the Head Office staff in the Superintendent's office, while limiting the teachers and "dismissing" the volunteer teaching aides and other volunteers. We now have this structure in the Municipality, along with no consideration for fiscal responsibility.
Anon 9:57 I agree totally. The problem is council could care less. The numbers will come in and council will approve all expenses and that will be the end of it.Their egos do not allow them to admit their mistakes.All I have to say is SAD.
WOW! In a few sentences you have summed up our problem to a tee. Well done, my friend!
Anon @9:57
I don't know who you are but from your comments on both Dean's and my blog you obviously know the MGA, have read council minutes and know how things should but have not been done. Good for you! There is more to what is going on than we know and you are astutely aware of this. Thanks for sharing and please continue with keeping an eye on this matter, as heads might still roll, when the whole truth is finally revealed... or 'exposed'.
Rum Runner Days numbers postponed
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