Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas comes early.......Crowsnest Pass

Well just seven days before Christmas and we are all blessed with the best gift of all Newsletter #67 (has it been that many already) and my personal highlight “The Mayor’s Corner”.  Well here is my interpretation of what jolly old Saint Bruce has to say.

“Sometimes good leadership means making tough decisions that may make people unhappy and I appreciate that.  Clearly, we must work harder in the community to communicate the rationale behind the decisions we make.  We all want the same thing: a vibrant and prosperous Crowsnest Pass.

Well maybe they finally are getting the message that people are unhappy, working harder to communicate I have said it before they have done a better job of communicating than any previous council. Maybe it’s what you are saying not the fact that you are saying it.

“Further, we have noted the growing popularity of ‘Shootin’ the Breeze’ and recently, the ‘Fernie Free Press,’ both of which are available in many local outlets free of charge.  The Voice, a web- based newspaper is also available, and in the future we will be considering these media in order to improve our communication”

So does this mean they will continue to communicate in the present local papers, or is this the year end message that Randy, Lindsay and Joni keep reporting the news "accuratly". We do have alternatives.

“The people from Quebec, the hotel developers and the representatives of the heavy industry have all noted the ratepayers petition and the resulting inspection.  I hope the inspection occurs as soon as possible to prevent any reactive concerns from developing on the part of these businesses.”

Sounds like the laying of the groundwork to place the blame just in case things do not work out in any of these area’s, I guess a politically shrewd move.

However that group, this past week determined that due to the ratepayers petition and the resulting inspection that they would decline meeting with us until the situation is clarified.  Depending on the date of the inspection, possibly three to four months away, and a final report,  I suspect we will be putting this major activity “on the shelf”

Why the hell would a municipal affairs petition have any bearing on a “jamboree” being held in Bellevue this summer. Will everything that does or does not happen now in the Crowsnest Pass be blamed on the petition and the ratepayers?

“In closing, I will note that as your Council we have had to undertake some serious planning.  In following these plans we have had to make some difficult and unpleasant decisions for the long term benefit of our community and its citizens.  The “heavy lifting” is almost done and beginning next year we will begin to see the positive results of that planning and those decisions”

So we have got all the really crappy stuff out of the way, now all the good things are going to happen just coincidently in an election year. 


Anonymous said...

Well you must note that the ratepayers made us popular, all for the wrong reasons. To the benefit of a few, they decimated the whole town. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

The Mayor is pretty funny in his understanding of the economic decision making. What can be said?

Anonymous said...

A small note to Bruce; I don't think this investigation is focusing on the 2400 that signed a petition, but of the governing of the Mini. I can't see the relationship between the landing of your 'sure thing' industries and the results of the ensuing report.
The excuses may just be starting.

Anonymous said...

The mare is so full of it it is not even funny. I have been calling the mares bs for several months now comparing him to bridgecreek.And just like bridgecreek came up with the recession excuse, the mare has come up with the petition excuse.He told us months ago that the Hotel deal was done!And if they could figure out how to cool some water we had a manufacturing plant on its way.Bradley and Becker would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses. There is always someone to blame - this is how you get to the top in a well oiled bureaucratic machine.

Anonymous said...

The ratepayers were so vocal, I am sure a business would think twice with all the crap they were putting out. Plus, would you want to move a business - maybe if the people quit being so negative it would help induce such.
Of course the people that are like that will be saying, oh not moi.

Anonymous said...

Let's cut someone some slack here. We are not talking about anyone that ever claimed to be a businesman, but in reality may be a professional student. Policy was the #1 election platform. So what happens when 'policies' don't quite work? Well, one just has to look around. He has never run a town before.
I am getting just a bit tired of being part of someone's learning curve.

Anonymous said...

Hon, I think we spent to much on Christmas this year. Can we blame the ratepayers?

Peter Rosner said...

Well he still has a secret admirer from the silent "majority". Misty Shitz must be very proud of the spin he put on this one.

Anonymous said...

Deflecting blame appears to be a standard operating procedure. When someone decides to do some business here, we can expect the same degree of effort in claiming.credit.Embarrassing.

Anonymous said...


...Um. I think it's the locals that thought about the 'crap' that was beimg put out.

Anonymous said...

The mayor is putting the local yokels in their place.

Anonymous said...

The Mare and the 6 lemmings have no one to blame but themselves. First off they forced the people of this community to rebel against them instead of at least trying to work with the Ratepayers.
Now lets take a quick look at some of things council has been talking about.
New hotel, New manufacturig plant, heavy industry, Highway 3 being rerouted, annexing some land from Ranchlands, Devon property.
Now the feeling I have is that none of this will be happening anytime soon.Coucil can try and place the blame for this on the Ratepayers or they could tell the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

It is time you small town folks smarten up. That petition will drive away some of the best opportunities this community will ever see. If these great things don't happen in the next ten months this town is done.
It is time to see the big picture folks. Progress is and will be made.

Misty Schitz

Anonymous said...

Misty, the claims made in the municipal newsletter are embarrassing. The community should take a blame, but not for the petition. We should blame ourselves for putting these folks in office. I am embarrassed for the newsletter because these people are our representatives, and it not only reflects badly on them, but also on us. And don’t worry about the missed opportunities. Opportunities which make an economic sense will happen, no thanks to our overeducated representatives.

Anonymous said...

Every time I read this municipal propaganda sheet I look at my wife and ask her why did we vote for these clowns again. She looks at me and says thats exactly what I was thinking.
The next election can't come fast enough.
My wish for 2013 that some of these highly educated people that are suppose to be our leaders will get of their high horses and start to build bridges with the taxpayers instead of burning them down.

Merry Xmas to all


Anonymous said...

Misty, thats funny, just a couple of days ago you were telling us all how we were on our way.Welcome to the 21st century. And with a few strokes of a pen the mare has you convinced that if these things do not happen its once again someone elses fault.
And of course you big town folks are so smart you think that if something does not happen in 10 months this town is done. Misty you told us yesterday that 5 of this council will be reelected.CNP has been around for over 100 years and it still will be here in 11 months but the current council will not have those seats.

Anonymous said...

Well we have heard from the leader of the Magnificent Seven. Hopefully there will be nothing more to blame on the ratepayers and when the inspection is complete Municipal Affairs will have given us our Oommunity back and we will be able to live within our means at least until the country's economy recovers. People will not continue to live in a place where they cannot afford even the basics. It then becomes necessary to move to higher ground.

Anonymous said...

Yes, move to Calgary (higher ground) where you will pay $500,00 for a house. STill think we have it pretty good here.

Anonymous said...

I really think anyone running for council or the mayor should have to take an I.Q. test!!! Only in the Crowsnest Pass...we managed to elect people who think they are the brightest and smartest people in the Pass and the rest of us are stupid. I lived in the city until 8 years ago
and have never seen anything like this dog and pony show. We are not the Mayor's students where we have to put up with his rules!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We do do have it pretty good here - our councilors should chill a little and make friends with the community. Why make absurd accusations just before Christmas?

Anonymous said...

what about the price of gas?

I paid 94.9 in Okotoks yesterday, what's up with 110.0/L here?

Marilyn said...

What's the latest on the radio today about turning the Crowsnest Pass into one community with one postal code. What madness. Mr. Decoux does not know the method of sorting the mail and how efficient everything is as is. Leave well enough alone I say. He is messing with the Federal Government on this. Also we would be put on the maps as the Crowsnest and nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Well, this may be the kind of bureaucratic fight our leader is good at. Hopefully he will leave other things alone, before he does further damage.

Anonymous said...

The same box numbers are used in each town. Most people would have to be given new box numbers for "POBox XXXX Crowsnest Pass".

Canada Post offers a Change of Address service to redirect your mail until you can inform everyone of your new address - $140 for 6 months.

Anonymous said...

If we go to one post office will there be job loss in the ones that end up closed?

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder if that man thinks things through. Just imagine all of Calgary with 1 postal code.Of course that is not the case, yet they all live in Calgary.Just like we all live in the CNP we do not need to all have the same postal code.If I am out of town and someone asks me where I am from, I tell them the CNP.If I am in town and get the same question I tell them I live in The town I live in.I think the Mare thinks we would be better off if we lost our town names and just became the CNP.But just like Calgary has names for all of their subdivisions we still would need names for the area in which we live.

peter rosner said...

Unfortunatly this man is running out of time and support to leave his legacy on "these" communities that make up the Municipality of the Crowsnest Pass. What is wrong with each community having ther own distinct identity. Its been proven they all pull together when it really matters. Isnt it ironic we were doing our best as a community when there was a healthy rivalry between towns. I say leave things like postal service alone and we will do just fine.

Peter Rosner said...

Im sure if the Ratepayers get hold of this they will screw that up too. I cant believe it, those ratepayers are stopping everything all our plans are on hold.---- He cant be serious-----"What we have here is a failure to communicate some men you just cant get through to no matter how hard you try"

Anonymous said...

People, people

We would keep the same postal codes, all the town names would be replaced with Crowsnest Pass

Anonymous said...

Word coming out of Edmonton today.
Doug Horner Minister of Finance for Wonderland has indicated that due to the large spread between world oil prices and what the province's producers receive. In addition to lower that expected gaming revenues, and the petition brought forth by the Crowsnest pass ratepayers Association. All ministries have been placed on notice that all expenditures for the coming year are up for reconsideration.
Also in an attempt to reduce further costs for 2013 the Mad Hatters Tea originally scheduled for the rum runners weekend Jamboree in the Crowsnest Pass at the old Devon site has been cancelled.


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:01 What would be the point?How would this be a benefit to the CNP?Do you really think if we change it will put us on the map as a tourist destination because of it.
Considering the amount of problems we have right now in the CNP I think just leave this one alone.The mare scares me as he come up with a new half cocked idea every couple of weeks or so.

Anonymous said...

One postal code? He can't run a town. Now he is telling a corporation how to be more efficient. Perhaps the CNP should initiate a study to help Canada Post out.

Anonymous said...

May be you can find out what grade was he teaching to start with.IS HE SMARTER THAN GRADE TWO?ask HIM QUESTION PASS HIM TEST FROM THE PASS. HE could be stuck in second gear check the cluch.Ask him to put his mind in gear before he let the cluch go othere way you ear a whole bunch noice and nothing happen.Try to help the poor old gray MARE or try a brain transplant.If nothing work there is the meat market.