Monday, January 21, 2013

G+P meeting update on Fire Master plan, Riversdale and Annexation

For those that have the time and the interest tomorrow afternoon at 2pm the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass Fire and Rescue Service Master Plan, will be presented by Albert Headrick, Director of Protective and Community Services to council. It will be very interesting to see what the results are of the mess that was created in this community in 2012, and all the taxpayers dollars (whether they be Municipal or Provincial they are all tax payers money) that was spent.

Back in the Fall, Bill Kovach President of the Ratepayers Association requested information regarding the Fire Departments he was told at that time by the Mayor that the questions would be answered by the Fire and Rescue Master Plan that administration would be bringing forth prior to Christmas. Well it was on the agenda for today in a surprising turn of events the CAO asked that it be moved to "In Camera" due to some sensitive issues that had to be talked about, he also informed council that it would be coming back to the G+P on Feb 19.

The Mayor also informed Council that Riversdale Resources will be coming to the Pass on Feb 6, to meet with council, media, business leaders and finally the public. I was a little surprised when he asked the rest of council if they have met Riversdale all responded "No".

In other news council was informed that Municipal Affairs will be coming down to meet with them on Feb 13 regarding the road map for annexation, Mayor Decoux suggested that the MD of Ranchlands be invited, then in a very neighborly type fashion he suggested that all the other MD's bordering the MD of Ranchlands be invited. After all he stated we don't want to gobble up all of Ranchlands, I wonder how the MD of Ranchlands will feel about being invited to an all you can eat buffet where they are the main course.


Anonymous said...

I have the time and the interest but I would rather download the report and read it. I will look for it on the CNP Facebook.

Anonymous said...

And they say they have nothing to hide as they go in camera again. Also, Why am I not surprised that the lemmings have not met any of the mine executives.It is simple really, they just buy into whatever the Mare says.Sad!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Fire and Rescue Master Plan

They don't have to disclose policies that are still being developed, but it is insulting to the public (and stupidly incompetent) to announce that it will be presented and then go "in camera".

Did they seem surprised by this request by the CAO? Did any councillors question the need to go "in camera"?

John Prince said...

"I wonder how the MD of Ranchlands will feel about being invited to an all you can eat buffet where they are the main course."


Anonymous said...

Does He Worships Himself share all information with the other councillors equally? Or is the information available to some, but not to others? What will the municipal affairs think about this?