Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who is Riversdale Resources?

Who is Riversdale Resources? I have been asked this question by a lot of people already, news travels fast.

So I would recommend that everybody check the following out for themselves, welcome them to the Crowsnest Pass and hope their venture works for all of us:


Note: John Prince did an excellent write up on today's municipal media presentation: http://blog.johnprince.ca/ 


Dick Burgman said...

Too bad Mr. Gallant and others on council have such a short memory of their promises.
Council will no doubt attempt to take credit for this Riversdale potential, while vehemently denying any responsibility for putting us in the dismal position we are in now.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how council put us in any situation. Get over it. No other council has done anything better than them; but when they tried they screwed up. Give peace a chance.

Anonymous said...

No other council has done anything better than them?

Anonymous said...

Time for people to think about this a bit it was all started by a realtor who wants to see some of the record unsold properties start to move, then a mare and councel who are absolutly deperite for something to hang their collective futures to decide to jump on board. Is everyone forgetting BRIDGATE . With any luck if anything does happen this mayor and councel will just be a distant BAD memory for us.

Anonymous said...

"No other council has done anything better"

Depending on what you mean by 'anything', I may just agree with you.