What a mess, hopefully everybody is safe. Really feel for the people along Drum Creek in Hillcrest the banks are being gobbled up by the water. Lyons creek in Blairmore is a mess three hoes working on it. Highway 3 (12:30) is down to one lane, water every where I suspect it will be closing soon.
Was sent the following video taken at the lakes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlm8Jaoepqc
Pictures from the Government of Alberta Web site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/governmentofalberta/sets/72157634230900809/
There are also regular updates available on the municipal web site at: http://www.crowsnestpass.com/
From the Pincher Creek Voice: http://www.pinchercreekvoice.com/2013/06/cpr-bridge-washes-out-in-blairmore.html
Check out what's happening in the Elk Valley and with Teck: http://www.thefreepress.ca/
NEW VIDEO from Thursday morning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F7VM14u_j4&feature=youtu.be
Weather outlook for Crowsnest Pass: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/canada/alberta/crowsnest-pass
CBC TV (Digital 15) says they will be interviewing Bruce about 1:20 PM.
Just listened to Bruce's interview on CBC News Net ... I'm wondering why he is so soft-spoken with perceived "real grown-up" interviewers, when he is so loud and condescending in our town meetings?
Good thing the town got rid of the separate fire depts! With the mines sending everyone home we could of had 80 guys to help control flooding in their individual towns
80 of the ex firefighters worked for the mines??
In previous years when flooding was a concern the firemen and town crews were monitoring the bridges and choke points. With the disaster taking place on the rail bridge and 20th and 21st avenues, obviously our high paid administrators were sleeping while the town flooded!
Wondering at what point the experts finally called for heavy equipment at the Lyons Creek bridge. Should a hi-ho not have been there all night?
What ever mistakes were made. Kudos to those people that are working now to look after us. The time for politics is when this is over not now.
Have you seen the other towns. I think we faired pretty well. You cannot foresee a log blocking the river. Thank you for all your information Dean. The RCMP were called at 5:45 by a person I know by the bridge in Blairmore; 15 minutes later everything was rolling in. Unbelievable. Thank you everyone.
It was CP Rail making things roll not the cnp.
Town crew did very well especially considering how short handed they are.
Well, you see, I think this is the plan. Don't put 1 guy on each bridge, to watch to see that there are no log jams that could cause a "flash flood." That would only give a job to maybe 10 or 15 guys for 1 or 2 nights. Let's just wait until the logs jam up on the bridges, and then "pow!" Lot's of jobs.....for lot's of guy's.....for a few weeks, or maybe even months! Ta Da! Economy in Crowsnest Pass is booming!
Well, what do you think people. I think the plan worked!
Everyone must come together in an emergency. It is not a time for self-serving comments.
Oops. I forgot. Hey everyone, let's all pull together, clean up this mess, and save all our "self-serving" comments for a "future" newsletter.
so 8:09,
they planned this flood in a secret meeting??
Just like Canmore, High River, Calgary, Bragg Creek and other communities.
love the conspiracy theories, but really....
Yes, guess some people think the Council can control mother nature, ha ha.
People that are making jokes are probably unaffected.
Bellecrest Days Cancelled
You guys who are able to criticize in hind sight are a real piece of work. Put your names foreward so you can lead us if and when this happens again. We could use some of your knowledge and skill. As a matter of fact so could the rest of Alberta or havn't you watched the news lately.
Perhaps, if some people wouldn't brag in foresight, other people wouldn't be compelled to brag in hindsight?
Anon5:19 PM . Speaking of posting anonymous, where is your name on the post?
Within the criticisms are some points that should be taken seriously. It is really not hind sight, but pointing out several issues that perhaps should have been dealt with as part of the prevention after the weather forecast was made. It appears that this was done last time around, why not this time?
The shortage on town crews if correct is perhaps a direct reflection on the administration and its priority of filling top positions at the expense of town crews. Credit should be given where credit is due. The debriefing if open and transparent will show the flaws for the next time. Otherwise you are correct, its easy to second guess, but the force of the storm hit north of us and for that we are very lucky.
"The pancake breakfast (8:00am to 10:00 am) will proceed as planned at the Hillcrest Fish and Game hall."
I am sure the Ratepayers would have done a better job. They would have at least parted the waters or walked on them!
We don't expect parted waters, or walking on them, although from the past newsletter, that was almost made to be believable. I did expect bridges to be monitored. Was that too much to ask?
With having the best Mayor and Council in century's. I would expect that they would have fore seen this. Any other leadership group no of course not they were less capable we would have expected failure. Will mother nature now be charged by our COP's for violating the anti Flooding policy and Bylaw 899?
Mother Nature does not need to worry about a law suit from our Dream Team. She clearly is not on the Watch list!
Should all the other cities and towns have seen it coming also. Get real!
The bridges were not being monitored during an extreme amount of precipitation. They should have been. I expected them to be. I was let down. You get real!
Anon 10:00 pm I didn't say post your name I said put your name foreward (as in to the proper authorities) so that they can call on you for your expertise during these times. It obviously would have been of great benefit.
Anon 06:48pm. You are correct. Apologies.
We were all lead to believe that the proper authorities had it all under control. Looks like we all need to question authority a little more from now on?
I think if 10:00 gave the authorities his name and number, they would call him to come over and fill sandbags, but ask for advice....I doubt it.
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