Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dean's Rules

The primary purpose of this blog is to discuss politics in the Crowsnest Pass, other issues are welcome also. You have the option of providing your name, you can remain anonymous if you wish. This blog is not about the individuals it is about the issues and the debate that follows. I welcome different opinions to mine if you disagree with my opinion then join the debate explain why. I am fine with that if you never choice to agree with me again in your life that is called Democracy.

What I will not welcome is personnel attacks, so if you choose to come on here and attack Joe Blow because he is not working, or he is different to you I will not publish that comment. Therefore,  when you are writing your comments and I know some people spend a lot of time, if you take three seconds at the end to call somebody an idiot your time will be wasted and your opinion on that issue will not be heard.

Thank you Dean

1 comment:

peter rosner said...

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference living one day at a time enjoying one moment at a time accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.---Reinhold Niebuhr(1892-1971)