Please check out the firm our municipality hired without even having a vote of council. Honestly I thought this stuff was being made up until I read Andrew's article above.
Now our municipalities PR is being done by the same company that brought us the world the following:
Well you got my attention. I'm guessing Councillor Sage is making a big announcement (spilling the beans and/or resigning?).
By writing this article Mr. Saje has shown that he has integrity and backbone. Our small community has limited resources as we struggle to fund required services. Hiring out of town consultants for every occasion does not show good stewardship or good judgment on the part of our councillors. You don’t need out of town high priced hot shot to tell you your communications don’t work. They don’t work for the obvious reasons. Access to council is too tightly managed for a small community. This may be fine and required for Calgary or Lethbridge, but not for Crowsnest Pass. This is not rocket science, and this is also not something that an Edmonton consultant would likely tell our council. Whatever money they have paid to this latest big city consultant would have been better been spent on the Boys and Girls Club on the Food Bank. This is a CAPITAL DISGRACE. If the Mayor, or the council, attempts to punish or undermine Mr. Saje for doing his job, the community will be further alienated from this council than it already is. This is the time for our councillors to stand up and be counted to do their job.
To take this story to a lighter side, here is a grab Calder Bateman website describing Mr. Victor Tanti, who is no doubt a talented individual:
Victor makes crisis communications look easy and looks good doing it—dual citizenship with Canada and his birthplace Malta guarantees dozens of trips overseas and a wardrobe of duty-free garb.
So for all those people that speak about the negativity in this community can you tell us how we are going to put a positive spin on this little press clipping.
I guess the only positive is that the council members are finally starting to speak out. Might be more coming, do you think?
Will be very interesting to see if Coucillor Saje shows up tomorrow night. It almost seems ironic that the agenda shows him bringing forth an anti-bullying bylaw.
Cheers to Saje. He could have done the phony thing like Gallant and vote against something when you know its going through any way. Despite the fact that you supported everything that led to those increases over the last twelve months.
How much are we paying for this dam PR firm?????? I hope are taxes are not going up this year.
Are the magnificent 7 building up for the election?
Will they direct questions about this latest public relations fiasco to the PR shop? You cannot make this stuff up. The only problem with this comedy is the cost to taxpayers.
Is the consultant out of the Municipal Advertising Budget for this year or last? I thought I read the Swimming Pool came in under $ 25 000 less their budget last year. Where did that money go?
PR company to make council look better in an election year. Any where else I would not believe this stuff in the CNP where the clowns run the circus.
Not shocked at all.
From my post above it seems I was half right, and half wrong, and with respect to the latter I am glad I was wrong.
The hiring of a PR firm, to in essence use taxpayer money to fund an election campaign for incumbents, is definitely over the top. It doesn't get more blatantly political and opportunistic than that, now does it? Will we soon be paying for their election ads, as well?
p.s. Don't forget these are the same guys who used a Teck Family Day donation for strictly political purposes, in promoting their firefighter initiative. Have they no shame, have they no scruples, obviously ^not^. Sad! :-(
Perhaps Misty could shine some light on this bizarre situation. It's impossible to understand how anyone could feel so free with taxpayers money. ???
Conversation heard on the street today:
So lets see 7 guys show up for supper (2010) sit down and order the finest appetizers, beautiful entrées, duck, peasant, lobster, steak,(2011) washed down with the finest wines. Then they follow up with awesome dainty deserts(2012).
Not one of them raising a concern has to how this fine meal would be paid for. Finally along comes the waitress with the bill, at that point despite the fact all seven of them ordered of the menu delighting themselves in the grandeur of the meal. The time is here to pay the bill, one of them flees to the bathroom before they vote and another decides to vote against paying the bill.
Before you reply read what I am saying a couple of times over think about it.
I give credit to Saje even though it's late and should have been done sooner. All I hope is this is not just a ploy to get re-elected.
Still better late than never.
Didn't Victor have a staring role in one of the daytime soaps? Or was that another Victor? He sure looks the part. Probably why Bruce chose him.
Scott 5:31 i dont think it can be explained any better. Sadly it would be ironic if it wasnt actually the truth. Thats quite the analogy you have assembled there. (Only had to read it once)
I think he chose him 'cause he knows him.
Hey, that could be lyrics to a song! Maybe Andrew could write the rest? (or maybe that should be "right the rest.")
I think I'd better stop there!
From reading the article, looks to me that Bruce was trying to re-invent the wheel, after destroying the blueprints. Now there's a smart guy! I'll give them credit, the silent majority sure knows how to pick 'em!
Well, I missed TITV this year, maybe there'll be some fireworks at the meeting tomorrow night to make up for it? Here's hoping.
Saje's article just "Naturally Rewarding"
Could we throw a few triangles in front of that, pay $47,000 to write six pages explaining it to us.
Then bring in a PR firm to put a positive spin on it.
Unfortunate part in this tragic comedy is most of us voted for this council. Sad state of affairs.
I voted for them, you voted for them, look on the bright side, sometimes the best way of learning, is by making mistakes, and then admitting them! I think we've all learned a very good lesson here. One that we needed to learn. I've never been to a council meeting before, now I've been to several. Great learning experience. (Unfortunately, it's almost cost me as much as sending my son to college!)
So, instead of community events, our council is paying for and hosting, “PUBLIC RELATIONS EVENTS,” on advice from top notch (read expensive) Edmonton PR consultant. Out of place language in official press releases, colorful display boards of a “fantasy land hotel” at the municipal office, by invitation only public events, such as the brand unveiling, and probably some other events we have missed while blinking. When did this start and how much did it cost to date? Did it earn more trust from the community? Do they have a way to measure success? Or is this just crisis communications, as the Edmonton consultant boasts on his colorful website. In all - nicely dressed fellow, please check this link: http://www.calderbateman.com/staff/victor-tanti/
Is this money well spent when services are being cut? Someone is having way too much fun spending taxpayers’ money.
So where does Andrew go from here? his this just one good spilling of the beans, get this crap of my mind.
Then go on for the rest of this term and say nothing. Or is this the opening of Pandora's box.
We shall see, he placed some distance between himself and the rest of council this week how big that gulf becomes can only be decided by him.
We will find out over the next six months if he wishes to be re-elected or not.
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