Friday, March 8, 2013

Taxes in the Crowsnest Pass

One small piece of good news coming out of the Alberta Budget. For the first time in many years the amount the Municipality will be collecting on the Tax Bills this year that is designated for the ASFF drops from $2,756,890 to $2,700,547 a drop of $56,343 or 2%.


Anonymous said...

That is really good. But, all the other things are not, especially education. I can see the Pass, sooner than later, having to consolidate schools. Only makes sense. We have a lot of schools for a really small amount of students.
Some big decisions probably coming up again, which will probably be the next big complaint.

Crowsnest Pass Home said...

I wonder what kind of impact the budget will have on our school system in the Pass. They also cut a fuel subsidy for school boards. Probably have more impact on a spread out community like ours.

Anonymous said...

Instead of just consolidating the schools let's assure that the schools District staff is appropriately downsized. They are top heavy as it is.

Anonymous said...

I believe I've been told that we will have lots more students for our schools. Soon to be a new hotel, and don't forget about the "heavy industry." Maybe another mystery industry? The one that just needs to figure out how to cool off some hot water? Council has it all under control. Trust them, they know what to do. All will be well.

Anonymous said...

I think school issues might be more immediate than that. Consolidation is probably a given.

Anonymous said...

Only a certified fool would trust these guys. Too bad too many inhabitants in the Pass fall into this category. Beware of the fools.

Anonymous said...

I thought the believers were a "minority". Hum.

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear

when I wrote the 10:04 comment....I was being sarcastic! (Sorry, I thought it was more obvious than that!)

Anonymous said...

Cooling off hot water, that sounds like a nuclear power station. OMG

Anonymous said...

I never thought of that......OMG

Anonymous said...

If I want to cool water I put it in my fridge or for even colder water I put it in my freezer.We make ice for our arenas and curling rinks, use air conditioning to cool our homes and cars.The funny thing is that this mystery company can not figure out how to cool the water, yet they are an established company.It is between us and 1 other area. Is it easier to cool water somewhere else or are we being led down the garden path.Just some hump day laughs.