Friday, July 6, 2012

Consultants/Contractors in the Crowsnest Pass

Click on Image to enlarge

The above is where some of your tax dollars are being spent. The questions are always do we need it and can we afford it?

Little bit of a quiz under the list of the consultants you will find one that was paid $32,700 they are also the company that threw together the pamphlet for Rum Runner Days. Hard to believe we couldn't have done it internally. Also hope some of that $32,700 was spent on other things than just the pamphlet.
With the clues above can anybody name the company?


Anonymous said...

I thought I voted for business men that were capable of making decisions,and balancing a budget. We could have put the janitor in charge, and had him pass the buck to the consultants. Unreal!!!

Anonymous said...

Still wondering what the $19,000 for Abiocon Strategies was for.

I should have asked at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 06:45

If you had asked that question you proabally would have been escorted out.

Anonymous said...

What about the fence along the pathway by the footbridge in East Blairmore. I don't see that contract. It would be about $3500.

Have you noticed any other extraordinary projects (beyond normally authorised departmental spending)?