Sunday, March 17, 2013

Everything is wonderful, we just have not realized it yet

Well the Mayor's newsletter was just released and it sounds like somebody is "telling a story" is it just me or has the tone of the newsletters changed since December.

 I had heard rumblings from some of the municipal staff that there was some morale and labour relations issues plus only somebody that been trapped in the jungle for the last year would have missed Councilor Saje's letter. Obviously in the last few week's those issues must have been addressed, according to the latest newsletter the appearance is given that all the team are pulling together. Check out the newsletter @

Just a short quote "Our restructured administrative staff is working has a team with our inside (office) and outside (public works). Differences of opinion abound but this is normal in a healthy organization and when something needs to be accomplished all come together".

The Mayor goes on to talk about a future economic opportunity  in the same newsletter. At the end of May, he is of to Vancouver to meet some individuals (experts, consultants) who have a great deal of expertise in creating destination resorts.
Lets hope these experts, consultants what ever you care to call them don't cost us anywhere near what it cost us to put in place our peace officer program.

Remember when everybody was shocked that we the residents of the Crowsnest Pass were paying $1,000 a day plus $2,400 a month for accommodation and mileage to an expert.  Check out the following address at the web site that just keeps on giving and giving I admire the job this person has done gathering information.

Next we have the annexation issue hopefully with a little bit of "common sense and good will by all those involved" (Ranchlands) the linear taxation will be flowing in by Budget year 2014 just in time to pay for all these positions that we have created because soon or later we are going to have a workforce with all positions filled for a full year. Making the numbers work by dragging your feet for two months to fill every position is only a short term answer to balancing the books. It's like buying furniture at the Brick on the "Do not pay for three year plan"

One of these days running four operators short in public works will catch up to us, when your snow removal plan becomes having a mild winter every year with much "less than anticipated precipitation" it will catch up to us.


Anonymous said...

Is the mayor trying to convince himself or us.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is what the Mayor is referring to:

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Annual Conference

Myron Thompson, Chief Administrative Officer, presented and reviewed a written report in reference to the FCM Annual Conference.
Mayor Decoux advised that there is the opportunity for another Council member to attend the FCM Conference if anyone is available.
M#6766-13: Councillor Gail moved that Council approve the attendance of Mayor Decoux to the FCM Annual Conference in Vancouver taking place May 31 to June 3, 2013.

Copied from the unapproved minutes of the Feb 19 Council meeting.

Anonymous said...

Has the mayor recently been to Disneyland? I just ask, as the tone of his letter in the mayor's corner had that kind of "ring" to it.

Anonymous said...

After chastising local newspapers for not reporting facts, Mayor Bruce is developing quite a fondness for storytelling. Riversdale was embarrassed with the PR event at which the Mayor announced that a house was bought and office procured, never mind the explanations which had to be given at the Ranchlands office. It does look our story telling PR Consultant overlooked certain facts.
Now, the Mayor is telling us that Riversdale may move their schedule forward.
Riversdale are mine promoters and if they wanted media attention to their visit, they would have called the media. It appears they did not want media attention to their recent visits, so why is the Mayor imposing himself into their story?
There seems to be a penchant for secrecy and in-camera meetings on the one hand, and a fondness for out of place storytelling on the other hand.

Anonymous said...

The only thing this newsletter was lacking. Was an introduction that said "Once up on a time in a land far, far away"......

Anonymous said...

The first item under "Deliverables" in the TS proposal is:

"Work with the municipality to create a proper budget and approve capital expenditures to begin the program."

Anyone seen that budget?
I wonder if there was also a budget for the Fire Plan.