Friday, March 22, 2013

Looking for a job? We are hiring

Lots of jobs available in the Crowsnest Pass the Municipality is hiring. You name it we need it just go to the address below.

NOTE: Informed last night that the Development officer is leaving shortly, another job will be available.

Riparian Restoration Technician


John Prince said...

Those who do not give jobs to locals will be looking for one themselves after the next election, I'm thinking?

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the Inspection
Do you remember when you were left at home alone with your siblings, and something broke? Whoever got to the parents with their story first, was hoping to prevail and blame the other siblings for all that went wrong. This kind of behaviour happens not only in the households and with kids, but can also be observed in large bureaucratic organizations as well.
Right after the ratepayers succeeded in their petition our municipal leadership, in one of the newsletters, made it sound like it was a good idea. Some people thought this odd, while others said that the review will show that nothing wrong happened. In fact, few people voiced an opinion that the review will give the municipality a good opportunity to finally explain what has happened.
The Who’s in Charge? column in the Pass Herald brings into focus this kind of scenario and what it implies.
By their own admission, our administration has been having trouble with communication for a very long time now.
On the other hand, they are also quite proud about the many different “communicating opportunities” they have created. The Mayor’s Corner, the weekly radio talk, the town hall meetings, the newspaper advertising, Shooting the Breeze ads, and so forth.
There seems to be an apparent confusion, at the top, about the meaning of quantity versus quality in communication. Andrew Saje’s letter perhaps helps us to understand how this happened and how the communication process came off the rails early in this administration and was never put on track afterwards.
It is the two man agenda committee, and for all who care to think about it, it really appears like a one man agenda committee. It also has all the appearance of a gate or a filter through which all the arguments reach, or don’t reach, the council.

Anonymous said...

Good decisions need to hear two sides to a story, if for anything; it may be just for an opportunity to be heard. If this is not done, not only bad decisions can be made, but also the community feels it has been denied an opportunity to be heard.
In bigger communities filters are necessary because otherwise nothing would get done. But in the bigger communities there is a proper and impartial process because of the bureaucratic depth and the institutional history of how things are done.
Imagine if Mayor Neshi in Calgary sat down with the city manager every week to decide what is worthy of being on agenda. The aldermen would have none of that, there has to be a process whereby the aldermen feel they all have an opportunity to bring forth what they think is important to be brought forth. Not everything gets on the agenda, but the process must be deemed impartial because on council, everyone has the same vote and it takes a majority to make a decision. If you follow the municipal politics of bigger cities, the Mayors, even with bigger staff and more prestige, are frequently outvoted in council because some other arguments often prevail.
So the problem with communications our council is having is not one of quantity of communication, but one of quality of communication.
Residents don’t see the debates they need to see. Decisions are made which have huge consequences for the community and the community is not ready to accept: “trust me, I know what is good for you argument.” Now that we know of the tight control of the agenda, many of us are even less comfortable that the councillors’ were presented with both sides of the story when decisions were made.
So this brings the idea that our council is waiting for the inspector to tell him, or her, their side of the story and to rely on the inspector to tell us that what they did was good and proper. This kind of strategy would be the same part of the same problem. If this were the case, not saying this is, it would be still like looking for an outsider to communicate with the rest of us about things which are important to us.
This is not how big decisions should be made in small communities, first you determine what the problem is, devise a course of action, sell the public on the needed course of action, then take the action. This can only be done through a proper and open debate.
This is not a private company or an organization responsible to one person. In a small community like ours, one should not take action and then look for explanations and build a plan for the action - after the deed was already done. Afterward you can present as many arguments as you wish to explain what you have already done, but at that point arguments start to appear as justifications and explanations, and not as arguments.

Anonymous said...

A lot are limited summer positions.

Anonymous said...

Imagine if a "Mayor Nenshi's Corner" appeared with Calgary utility bills without any authorising motion by council. Or if a "Message from your Calgary Council" appeared in newspapers, but it had not been discussed and voted on by Calgary Council. I think some Calgary Aldermen would be objecting loudly.

The municipal inspections usually focus on transparency of decision making and formal authorisation. I think our Council deserves an F- .

As for the "Agenda Committee", I can't find in the minutes where it's members were appointed or even where it was created.

I used this Google search: minutes "agenda committee"

Google isn't necessarily all-knowing, but a search like that usually finds things in the minutes.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd live on cat food and sleep under the bridge before I'd work for this Mayor and Council. (Well, that would be pretty cold, maybe just the cat food.)

Anonymous said...

dont apply here the management team are completely inept they are not trained to do their jobs empolyees beware from someone who knows

Anonymous said...

Good advice
When applying for any of these positions it has become apparent that no one from this community is even considered qualified to be hired therefore in order to have your resume opened, read or considered if you happen to be in Lethbridge or Calgary post your letter from there. Who knows, miracles do happen!!